View Full Version : Just another stupid question....

11-27-2003, 12:09 PM
I know you guys must be getting sick and tired of ppl always asking the same ol' questions over and over again but:

How do I get a nicely tiled background over my entire page?

I have a small, tileable .jpg file, that I want to use to replace that dull, uninteresting background color. I friggin tried everything, but nothing works. What's the best solution (vbulletin 2.3) to my prob. ?

I managed to get the tile behind the main table, but I'm still stick with a wide edge around it and under my page logo....

Is anybody out there willing to help? Grateful until eternity!

Dean C
11-27-2003, 02:23 PM
Template questions should not be in the releases forum - moved :)

11-29-2003, 01:55 PM
In your admin cp, go to the style you want to modify with the layered background.

Admin CP>Styles>Modify>(your style name)>[fonts/colors/etc]

Once you click the [fonts/colors/etc] link, scroll down to the body tag. In it, replace the following coding:




11-29-2003, 06:38 PM
In your admin cp, go to the style you want to modify with the layered background.

Admin CP>Styles>Modify>(your style name)>[fonts/colors/etc]

Once you click the [fonts/colors/etc] link, scroll down to the body tag. In it, replace the following coding:



if you want help with the layout of your site try vbulletintemplates.com

11-29-2003, 07:53 PM
*my bad

You meant a small area won't display the background? You need to find the table which is being used for another color, and take away the bgcolor code... try opening it in an HTML editor and try to find it....