View Full Version : Unable to post...

DB8 MissingLink
11-27-2003, 03:23 AM
<a href="http://www.net-benefits.net" target="_blank">www.net-benefits.net</a>

I am unable to post replies or new threads. I am able to edit old threads. I am also able to do almost everything else. I have a single user who seems unaffected.

From what I can tell, almost all of the users are affected. There have been two people that were able to post so far today. Everyone else is able to see the site, even get to the form to post a new reply. But when they click "submit reply" it times out and "Cannot Find Page" shows up.

Feel free to log in using Tisias (password: tisias).

What's going on??

Thanks! And happy Thanksgiving!


DB8 MissingLink
11-27-2003, 07:54 AM
Update of the problem:

It appears that it is not the specific usernames. The problem seems to exist in the threads themselves. Some threads, it seems, are not allowing replies, while others are. I can't find a simularity between the threads that are affected. But for example, if you try to post in this thread:


You can't.

But you can post in this one no problem:

