View Full Version : Not sure if I have all that is required to install my hack.

11-26-2003, 04:16 AM
I dont know if this has been done before and I'm not sure if I have all the pieces together.... but I think I might have created my own hack under the category of Forum Display Enhancements.

Anyways here it goes:

in forumdisplay.php find:

if ($forumshown==1) {
eval("\$forumdisplay[forumslist] = \"".gettemplate('forumdisplay_forumslist')."\";");
} else {

$newthreadlink = "";

under that add:

if($foruminfo[forumid] == XX)
$forumimg = "<img src=\"{imagesfolder}/whatever.jpg\" />";

(replace the XX with a forumid number)

if you want a seperate image for a seperate forum ID then do the following:

do the above steps only this time:

if($foruminfo[forumid] == 16)
$forumimg = "<img src=\"{imagesfolder}/whatever.jpg\" />";
else if($foruminfo[forumid] == 3)
$forumimg = "<img src=\"{imagesfolder}/whatever2.jpg\" />";

close and save forumdisplay.php

log into your admin cp and go to modify templates for your style, open forumdisplay template.


<td valign="bottom" align="right"><smallfont>$newthreadlink</smallfont></td>

under that add:


or wherever you want the forum image to be displayed.

I think that should do it but I am uncertain if there is more required to get the image to show up in the forum.

11-27-2003, 04:49 PM
You need to supply a description of what the hack is and what it does ;) If you believe it is ok and would like people to try it out, post it in the Beta hacks area :)


12-02-2003, 02:18 AM
Oh right... I forgot :p