View Full Version : users can disable viewing signature images?

11-25-2003, 08:53 AM
is it possible that users could, from their CP, choose an option whether they can see other users signature files?

the only reason I ask this is because some of my members insist on having image signatures, but other hard core surfers dont like it slowing down the page load times etc...

Ive searched this forum but couldnt find anything that fits this spec...

any one got any similar hacks? or anyone fancy the job?! ;)

Matt Facer.

Gary King
11-25-2003, 08:00 PM
You can tell users to disable viewing user signatures if they really want to increase thread loading times by not loading user signatures (with large images, inclusive).

11-26-2003, 04:09 AM
I believe that users can opt not to show signatures in posts in their usercp under user options.


11-26-2003, 08:02 AM
ah yeah....
but I really fancy a hack which will allow the following options in the CP

- hide all images in forum
- hide all avatars
- hide all images in posts
- hide all images in signatures

cost most people like the text in sigs... and mine has important links - so I wouldnt want people not to see that.... but the images would be good if they could be disabled individually.......

Gary King
11-26-2003, 11:15 AM
ah yeah....
but I really fancy a hack which will allow the following options in the CP

- hide all images in forum
- hide all avatars
- hide all images in posts
- hide all images in signatures

cost most people like the text in sigs... and mine has important links - so I wouldnt want people not to see that.... but the images would be good if they could be disabled individually.......
Most of those options are available already in vB 2 I believe?

11-27-2003, 07:45 AM
well, I'll be dammned!! they are indeed in the userCP..... shucks... I'm sorry...!!

gonna crawl back under the rock from where I came!!!

*hangs head in shame*

next time I will check out the feature before I actually request one thats a standard one!! :)