View Full Version : Usernames not showing in showthread.php

11-14-2003, 02:32 PM
Well I'm a newbie for the most part with this editing template deal.. And well apparently i think i fudged up somethig and cant figure out what it was..

Everything was find just yesterday and I applied 2 hacks (microstats and lottery addon) i backtracked and even reup'd my backup copy of showthreads.php.. no luck.. apparently its somewhere else..

heres a screen cap of what I'm talking about..

any help would be greatly appreciated..

now i see user names on the front page *index.php* and the * forumdisplay.php* but not in showthreads... its gotta be some stupid $username thing i'm missin... anyhow.. again.. any help..



11-14-2003, 02:55 PM
open postbit and look for $post[username]

is it there?

11-14-2003, 04:24 PM
yep.. that was it! I appreciate it.. :)

11-14-2003, 04:29 PM
yep.. that was it! I appreciate it.. :)
remember that all the temlplates render whats on your screen, so if something is missing from them, make sure to check it first