View Full Version : How to reset all user's invisible to off?

12-22-2000, 01:03 AM
Can someone please write for me the query to run that will reset all uers' invisible status to off, so that they WILL be visible? I've already disabled the option for users to switch the status, and new registering people to set it to on, but some people already had it set to on. I only have 124 members and could look at each one individually, since there is no advanced search option to find a particular invisible status, but I'd rather to it the easy way. Thanks!

12-22-2000, 01:06 AM
From PHPMySQLADmin, the ISQL command line or any other interface to the database run the following query

update user set invisible=0

12-22-2000, 01:18 AM
Great, worked fine! Thank you.