View Full Version : ~ Ultimate Hack Template & Installer ~

11-07-2003, 05:46 AM
What I wanted to have is:

1) An installer, that would be easy to compile for I could make vb Hacks easy and that it would have one standart. For example all the template adding and mysql tasks could be easily done via an install.php script
2) Something like an ISO 9001 standart for hacks - not the usual readme.txt files, but nice coded, with a layout (that could be affected via CSS) htm or php page, so it would be even easier to hack.
3) A DB table or list, where I enter for AP all the hacks and they're rating, plus uninstall the MySQL affected fields, they changed when installing.

What do you think? :beard:

11-07-2003, 06:02 AM
There's already a template hacc system

Template Bac-up System I think made by FireFly. Installs great. Especially need for admins who changes styles allot and have alot of haccs installed.

11-07-2003, 06:51 AM
It all should be united in ONE system.

11-07-2003, 01:42 PM
It all should be united in ONE system.

The Hack Tracking Log will do EXACTLY what you asked for, there.
* It will make it easy for you to create a Hack, and it will generate Installer files for you, including XML files with templates, phrases, and settings, even prepare your release post if you want (saves you the effort of writing out or copy-pasting all separate details one by one);
* comes with a sophisticated Installer Routine which allows for importing of hacks, installing hacks, and running 2 types of Test runs (normal and Verbose);
* creates a standard when it comes to hacking, to make all the troubleshooting with hard-to-understand install.txt's and what nots be a thing of the past;
* Keeps track of EVERY Hack detail: changed files, new files, changed templates, new templates, new DB tables / columns, changed DB tables/columns, new settings, phrases, everything.
* Provides some useful tips and utilities for you if you want to make hacks or just improve your skills with php/mysql/vbulletin :)

There is only one 'downside' to it:
It's only for vB3. :)

11-07-2003, 03:11 PM
Cry, cry ... children of Jerusalem

11-07-2003, 11:12 PM
eh? o_O