View Full Version : Reputations ??

11-03-2003, 06:28 PM
Hi guys, i have a forum with 30.000 mebers and i want to use the reputation option to different betwween good and not so good users.

But i dont understand it!

Could you give me the optimal setting, so that postcount is~30% of reputation level, registration date 20% of reputation and that user votings ++++ 50%

It sholud look like this:

Reputation levels 1-10

A user has 200votes (reputations) an 1000 posts and is 500days registered = Level7

How can i realize that uservotes are the main part but the rest does take some effect too?

It should be like :

1 userreputation = 10points
1 day registered = 1 point
1 post = 1point

Please help me!!!

Rein Masamuri
11-10-2003, 12:34 AM
The way that vB3 integrates reputation is user driven. i.e. a user, other than the person being rated, gives the person a positive or negative rating. That goes towards the total rating of that user.

11-10-2003, 12:39 AM
Hi guys, i have a forum with 30.000 mebers and i want to use the reputation option to different betwween good and not so good users.

But i dont understand it!

Could you give me the optimal setting, so that postcount is~30% of reputation level, registration date 20% of reputation and that user votings ++++ 50%

It sholud look like this:

Reputation levels 1-10

A user has 200votes (reputations) an 1000 posts and is 500days registered = Level7

How can i realize that uservotes are the main part but the rest does take some effect too?

It should be like :

1 userreputation = 10points
1 day registered = 1 point
1 post = 1point

Please help me!!!
If this is a question about vB3 I suggest asking around over at www.vBulletin.com (http://www.vBulletin.com) 's Support Forums