View Full Version : Help counting posts and threads in catagories

10-31-2003, 07:00 AM
I need to know how to have my catagories count threads and posts, and who the last was to post, just like a forum. My site is divided by states, area of the states, cities of the area, and apartment complexes of the city, and i dont want people to be able to make new threads in anything but the apartment complexes, but there are 3-4 levels before you get there.

Texas (no threads)
--Dallas Ft. Worth (no threads)
----Irving (no threads)
------AMLI at Valley Ranch (can post here)

someone help!

10-31-2003, 03:41 PM
This is what I'm looking for years.
I need it for my photo gallery integrated ...

11-01-2003, 01:21 AM
You have to goto forum permissions, and then changed the "registered users" so they can't post in it, it will still show the "the new thread" button and "no new threads in last 30 days" message, but they wont be able to.

11-12-2003, 03:00 PM
It' s a solutio to the problem or what?