View Full Version : Dont know what to search for to find this hack

10-29-2003, 07:43 AM
or if it even is a hack.

I have searched for these, but im not sure what you would call them, so it is kind of hard to search for something when you dont know what it is you are searching for.

im searching for a hack or feature that allows me to turn off the fact that when someone posts in a thread it takes it to the top of the forum. (take away bumping)
just like webhostingtalk.com has in there advertising forums.

I need this for a "Tutorial Forum" so that people can post comments on them but since there are only a dozen or so they are in the order that i put them in.

Also does anyone know where i could take off the length limit on Forum Discriptions?]


11-07-2003, 08:23 PM
For your bumping question i believe this hack will help you


As with the length limit, i cant help you with that bit, sorry