View Full Version : Edit but no Delete

12-20-2000, 11:11 PM
I want to give people the ability to edit their post but remove their ability to delete them. Unfortunately, these two functions appear to be tied to each other. This is the one advantage that I have found that UBB has over VBulletin. Has anyone devised a work-around?

Thanks in advance,

12-20-2000, 11:29 PM
you could edit the 'edit message' template (not sure what its called) and replace the 'Delete this message' checkbox with a hidden field.

i thougt there was an option tho, to allow editing w/ no deleting.

12-20-2000, 11:38 PM
Go to the control panel under "User / Group permissions" and click on "modify" Scroll down to where it says "registered" and click the "edit" link next to it. Set the "Can Delete Own Posts and Threads" option to "no" and the "Can Can Edit Own Posts" option to "yes".

All done :)


12-21-2000, 03:08 AM
That is exactly what I needed.


12-21-2000, 10:21 AM
No problem. Glad to help.
