View Full Version : templating confusion

10-23-2003, 01:41 AM

I am looking at your demo forums where you give admin access. i'm a bit confused on the whole templating thing, this is what I understand of it.

1. There are replacements that I can add dynamically to the site and they are stored in the db so I can modify them live.

2. there is a set of default templates for all the sections of the forums application which are also stored in the db.

If I create my own template, how do I apply the template to a specific page or section, since when I add a template it just adds it to a custom template section and I see know where how I can "overrride" the default settings?

10-23-2003, 11:21 AM

I am looking at your demo forums where you give admin access. i'm a bit confused on the whole templating thing, this is what I understand of it.

1. There are replacements that I can add dynamically to the site and they are stored in the db so I can modify them live.

2. there is a set of default templates for all the sections of the forums application which are also stored in the db.

If I create my own template, how do I apply the template to a specific page or section, since when I add a template it just adds it to a custom template section and I see know where how I can "overrride" the default settings?
Custom templates are only useful for when you're making new files/addons for vBulletin. In a stock vBulletin, custom templates never do anything.

10-23-2003, 11:52 AM
It may all look confusing, but it's actually very simple once you get the hang of it. Try to modify existing templates first. In vB3, on top of PHP you can use conditional tags which is very easy to use.