12-20-2000, 10:21 PM
excuse me while i simply paste my readme file with a few additions:
Newspro vBulletin Integration Beta 1
Written by Jon 'Ratorasniki' Naiman
For http://www.tribalwar.com/
Demo: http://www.tribalwar.com (and http://www.tribalwar.com/forums respectively - look for posts with the News: prefix)
Download: http://www.tribalwar.com/rat/npa_vbgen/npa_vbgen.zip
can go to ratorasniki@tribalwar.com
-What it does-
This is an addon for Newspro which once properly configured will
take the news you've just submitted, and add a thread to your
vBulletin forums. It was inspired by a previous hack we had in
place to do the same thing for our old UBB. It is however fairly
different from its counterpart..
-What it doesnt do-
This addon does not add a link to your new thread at the bottom
of your post. It probably never will, either unfortunately. There
isnt a whole lot i can do, since i dont want to spend too much more
time on this silly little thing.
-What it needs-
Newspro - untested on all versions, but it works for me..
vBulletin - again, its untested. its a beta for a reason :)
users username for both Newspro and vBulletin must be the same
(ie. my NP name is Ratorasniki, and so is my vB name)
user must be logged into the forum, as it gets the users
password from the users cookie - this also means cookies must
be set for the entire domain, not just the directory
newspro admin must first set up the settings in Newspro's
advanced settings tab - for point of reference my settings
vBPrefix: News:
vBurl: http://www.tribalwar.com/forums
vBnpurl: http://www.tribalwar.com/newspro
newspro setting 'Autobuild news on submit' (or something worded similarly) must be set to True (or On)
While this is slightly more involved then most newspro hacks, you
shouldnt have any problem with it.
Upload npa_vbgen.pl, npvbgen.cgi, and npvbgeninclude.txt to your
newspro directory. CHMOD npa_vbgen.pl to be readable from the web
and npvbgen.cgi to be readable, and writable from the web. also
npvbgeninclude.txt should be readable from the web.
Log into Newspro and go to Advanced Settings, scroll down untill
you get to vBPrefix, and fill in the 3 settings for this addon.
Open up newspro.cgi in a text editor (make a backup if you are
squeamish :P), find:
unless ($SilentBuild) {
print $Messages{'Build_Message'};
underneath it add:
# added vbgen link
print " <a href=\"npvbgen.cgi\">Add this news to the forums</a>.";
# done
upload newspro.cgi, overwriting the old one. hopefully this wont void
your warantee :)
Log back in to Newspro, and build news. If your server doesnt blow up
then you should be presented with a new link on the Your news has been
built page, stating 'Add this news to the forums'. Clicking it now
should result in a message of "This function is only available after
submitting news". This means you're all set. If you get any other message
or an error, you've developed a problem somewhere, and im not really sure
how you managed to do that :)
-The Last Bit-
keep in mind when you use this that i basically just threw it together and
once it was functional i left it (save for a few features so people dont have
to go swimming thru my code to change vars). also, yes i know it is a really
cheap way of getting it to work, but hell - it works, dont complain. i guess
thats about it. enjoy.
something of note, i realize this is a vB forum, and this is a newspro hack, but i do think its fitting here as well as in the NP forums.
[Edited by Ratorasniki on 12-20-2000 at 07:24 PM]
Newspro vBulletin Integration Beta 1
Written by Jon 'Ratorasniki' Naiman
For http://www.tribalwar.com/
Demo: http://www.tribalwar.com (and http://www.tribalwar.com/forums respectively - look for posts with the News: prefix)
Download: http://www.tribalwar.com/rat/npa_vbgen/npa_vbgen.zip
can go to ratorasniki@tribalwar.com
-What it does-
This is an addon for Newspro which once properly configured will
take the news you've just submitted, and add a thread to your
vBulletin forums. It was inspired by a previous hack we had in
place to do the same thing for our old UBB. It is however fairly
different from its counterpart..
-What it doesnt do-
This addon does not add a link to your new thread at the bottom
of your post. It probably never will, either unfortunately. There
isnt a whole lot i can do, since i dont want to spend too much more
time on this silly little thing.
-What it needs-
Newspro - untested on all versions, but it works for me..
vBulletin - again, its untested. its a beta for a reason :)
users username for both Newspro and vBulletin must be the same
(ie. my NP name is Ratorasniki, and so is my vB name)
user must be logged into the forum, as it gets the users
password from the users cookie - this also means cookies must
be set for the entire domain, not just the directory
newspro admin must first set up the settings in Newspro's
advanced settings tab - for point of reference my settings
vBPrefix: News:
vBurl: http://www.tribalwar.com/forums
vBnpurl: http://www.tribalwar.com/newspro
newspro setting 'Autobuild news on submit' (or something worded similarly) must be set to True (or On)
While this is slightly more involved then most newspro hacks, you
shouldnt have any problem with it.
Upload npa_vbgen.pl, npvbgen.cgi, and npvbgeninclude.txt to your
newspro directory. CHMOD npa_vbgen.pl to be readable from the web
and npvbgen.cgi to be readable, and writable from the web. also
npvbgeninclude.txt should be readable from the web.
Log into Newspro and go to Advanced Settings, scroll down untill
you get to vBPrefix, and fill in the 3 settings for this addon.
Open up newspro.cgi in a text editor (make a backup if you are
squeamish :P), find:
unless ($SilentBuild) {
print $Messages{'Build_Message'};
underneath it add:
# added vbgen link
print " <a href=\"npvbgen.cgi\">Add this news to the forums</a>.";
# done
upload newspro.cgi, overwriting the old one. hopefully this wont void
your warantee :)
Log back in to Newspro, and build news. If your server doesnt blow up
then you should be presented with a new link on the Your news has been
built page, stating 'Add this news to the forums'. Clicking it now
should result in a message of "This function is only available after
submitting news". This means you're all set. If you get any other message
or an error, you've developed a problem somewhere, and im not really sure
how you managed to do that :)
-The Last Bit-
keep in mind when you use this that i basically just threw it together and
once it was functional i left it (save for a few features so people dont have
to go swimming thru my code to change vars). also, yes i know it is a really
cheap way of getting it to work, but hell - it works, dont complain. i guess
thats about it. enjoy.
something of note, i realize this is a vB forum, and this is a newspro hack, but i do think its fitting here as well as in the NP forums.
[Edited by Ratorasniki on 12-20-2000 at 07:24 PM]