10-20-2003, 10:03 PM
I have quiet a few hacks/mods installed and I just tried to post a poll for mYvBindeX v3 or something another, and .. I typed out hit [Cheak] for the Poll, changed the # of options to 2 and hit Submit and got this ..
vBulletin Message
Please select the field. Press the back button, correct the problem and try again.
- Sora
I tried it in a different forum and it worked!??!
So I am confused any help anyone?
EDIT: I tried to post a topic in the "Service" help forum and it gave me the same error .. any one have any idea? If i have to restart my vB i will but I really dont wanna.
- Sora
vBulletin Message
Please select the field. Press the back button, correct the problem and try again.
- Sora
I tried it in a different forum and it worked!??!
So I am confused any help anyone?
EDIT: I tried to post a topic in the "Service" help forum and it gave me the same error .. any one have any idea? If i have to restart my vB i will but I really dont wanna.
- Sora