View Full Version : Poll Problem

10-20-2003, 10:03 PM
I have quiet a few hacks/mods installed and I just tried to post a poll for mYvBindeX v3 or something another, and .. I typed out hit [Cheak] for the Poll, changed the # of options to 2 and hit Submit and got this ..

vBulletin Message
Please select the field. Press the back button, correct the problem and try again.

- Sora

I tried it in a different forum and it worked!??!

So I am confused any help anyone?

EDIT: I tried to post a topic in the "Service" help forum and it gave me the same error .. any one have any idea? If i have to restart my vB i will but I really dont wanna.

- Sora

10-21-2003, 12:16 AM
try posting this in the thread for tigga to look at, im not sure why this is happening

10-24-2003, 01:39 AM
fixed it .. it was custom prefix .. theres was an option for each forum in the admin cp .. it was set to yes and had to be set to no if u weren't usin' any custom prefixs. Thanks! (Took me to restart my vB to learn this but hey! it's all good.

- Kingdom Hearts II