View Full Version : Im an idiot...

10-15-2003, 09:39 PM
Ok maybe just an idiot when it comes to vBulletin. I want to create a website. There would be a few pages of info, but the site would basically center around the message board. I have no idea how to use VBulletin. Is it easy to learn? Can I have someone initially set it up for me and then maintain it myself? What would it cost to have it set up? What about hosting? Where can I find good hosting? My knowledge of this type of stuff is definitely limited. If anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

10-15-2003, 10:40 PM
vBulletin is really easy to learn.
Myself it took me about one week to learn the most important things how to use it.
Also there is a manual on vbulletin.com and i think it explains most you need.

You can order the vb.com team to set up the vb for you or you can post a request in our service request forums.

Hostingdiscussions have been on vbulletin.com since a long time now, just look there, and i'm sure you'll find the answers :)