View Full Version : Help with members area

10-13-2003, 06:13 PM
I posted in the service request forum several months ago about using the vb database to create a members area for my site (login using vB database, opening a session and protecting pages to be only viewable by allowed users and/or groups).

I paid for a script to be created but it's never worked right and the guy has flaked on me and doesn't return my emails anymore. I think it's real close to being finished (it partially works) but I can't fix it. Can anyone help me out.

FYI- I'm willing to post the code that he gave me but it is for vb3 so not sure if this is against the rules...Mods?? It doesn't alter any vb code at all since it is for a password protected area outside vb. The only tie-in to vb is using the database.
