View Full Version : change thread icon

10-12-2003, 09:54 AM
if the topic is new,in thread list page will show a icon, if the thread replies or views

more than XX will show another..

so i want the stick thread icon different with others..

how should i do?


10-12-2003, 05:37 PM
hmm, the first things are standart in vb2, and that one with the sticky icon is easy to do with a template conditional hack, like Logicians :)

10-13-2003, 02:51 AM
hmm, the first things are standart in vb2, and that one with the sticky icon is easy to do with a template conditional hack, like Logicians :)
thankz ur reply Xenon:)

maybe the SS will easy to explain....

i want the red's part icon(the stick thread) different yellow's part icon...

does this standard in vb2??

10-13-2003, 02:30 PM
ah, now, for that you have to use a template conditional hack like Logicians, or in vb3, you can use the inbuild conditionals :)

you just have to ask in the bit-templates if it's a Stickythread, and if so, use another image :)

10-14-2003, 03:23 AM
ah, now, for that you have to use a template conditional hack like Logicians, or in vb3, you can use the inbuild conditionals :)

you just have to ask in the bit-templates if it's a Stickythread, and if so, use another image :)
so now,Xenon....for vb2 which way can simple to do what i want?

use condition hack?or other method.......

if use condition hack how should i use the code?(already take look the hack but confused)

for example:

<if XXXX><==i dont know how to input the variable(XXX) for i need...

so Can u show me how the code is?


10-14-2003, 05:28 PM
you should ask in the conditional hack thread for specific help, as i never used this hack.
I've coded a completly different conditional hack for myself before i had vb3 ;)

but i'm sure logician will help you if you ask in his thread :)

10-15-2003, 12:46 AM
you should ask in the conditional hack thread for specific help, as i never used this hack.
I've coded a completly different conditional hack for myself before i had vb3 ;)

but i'm sure logician will help you if you ask in his thread :)
thankz the reply Xenon~:D

i'll ask this in that topic.....:)

10-15-2003, 09:49 AM
Considering the fact that you are using VB3, my hack is obselete for you. And it is not very helpful for VB2 either and as far as I can see your request would require hacking. (to evaluate if the thread is "new") ;)

10-15-2003, 12:03 PM
Considering the fact that you are using VB3, my hack is obselete for you. And it is not very helpful for VB2 either and as far as I can see your request would require hacking. (to evaluate if the thread is "new") ;)
thankz the reply..Logician:D

so,if i want this in my vb2 forum, it require hacking !

can u tell me how to do that?:)plz...

10-15-2003, 03:32 PM
Considering the fact that you are using VB3, my hack is obselete for you. And it is not very helpful for VB2 either and as far as I can see your request would require hacking. (to evaluate if the thread is "new") ;)
hmm, i don't think so pal.

if he installs your hack on vb2, and then use conditionals to add a prefix to the folder icon if it's a sticky thread, it would be possible just with conditionals