View Full Version : Functions errors

Dark Shogun
10-10-2003, 02:36 PM
I have vBulletin 2.3.2 installed just for hacks right now. I installed the microstats hack and when I finished I got this error:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/virtual/site23/fst/var/www/html/myforum/admin/functions.php on line 2637

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: iif() in /home/virtual/site23/fst/var/www/html/myforum/admin/functions.php on line 493

I uninstalled the hack and got the same thing.

Line 2637: ?>
Line 493: $usercache["$userid"]['showsignatures'] = iif(($usercache["$userid"]['options'])&SHOWSIGNATURES,1,0);

I didn't edit either line at all.

PLEASE help me.

Dark Shogun

10-10-2003, 04:50 PM
you obviously made a mistake while hacking.

just upload a backup of functions.php and it'll work :)

Dark Shogun
10-10-2003, 05:14 PM
I actually don't have a backup. I backup after each section in your hack database. Do after admin stuff I backup then forum display, etc.

Dark Shogun

10-10-2003, 05:31 PM
I actually don't have a backup. I backup after each section in your hack database. Do after admin stuff I backup then forum display, etc.

Dark Shogun
Upload an unhacked functions.php then

Dark Shogun
10-10-2003, 06:31 PM
I added like 6 or so hacks to that file if not more. I am going to save a backup after every 20 hacks. I had to delete a lot of files on my hard drive to beable to backup so now I will use it. I have to start over. I have compared the files and don't see where the error is. :( I check the forum after I install each hack. :( Thanks anyway. I am going to start over tonight.

Dark Shogun