View Full Version : header buttons

Lee Wisener
10-09-2003, 07:23 PM
I had to move my vbulletin files to another directory and obviously set about changing all the required items so the forums would work properly.

The only thing left is that the buttons on the header bar wont work as they are linking to the wrong place. usercp, memberlist, etc.....

Can someone tell me where I can change the path of those links to point to the correct place.


10-10-2003, 01:03 PM
you can change the place they link to in the header template, i think

10-10-2003, 02:27 PM
you can change the place they link to in the header template, i think
yes, that or redeinfe the the image paths

Lee Wisener
10-10-2003, 07:57 PM
See, I changed the header file paths and it did not work, then got really frustrated and reverted back the original header and tried again.

Then it worked!

Thanks for your help