View Full Version : Weather hack

10-07-2003, 01:11 AM
Im having all kinds of problems installing this hack.

First what does this mean?...

2. Create new tables in your database using the file create_tables.txt. You can copy the entire contents of the file and
paste into the query window in phpMyAdmin, or you could run each query individually through telnet. Please ask in at
vbulletin.org if you need help in this regard.

How do you create tables???

10-07-2003, 05:18 AM
Simple, kinda :p Log into your phpmyadmin and navigate urself to querys :p then just copy and past the entire contents of create_tables.txt into the query box and click "Run query" or wuteva and it will run all the modifications needed on your mysql database

10-07-2003, 05:22 AM
IF your unsure about using myadmin etc then try this simple hack by Chen aka Firefly aka genius :p


It installs a area in ur admin cp where you can run your mysql querys. If ya need ne more help just say aight