View Full Version : How do I...
Just by playing with the board I figured a few things out but I like any other newbie have questions.
1 - When someone goes to post a message it automatically checks the Send me e-mail box! Is there a way to disable this?
2 - How can I add tables to the forums (not involving the Header & Footer)?
3 - If there is a hack for me to upload more than 1 Smilie in Control Panel at a time could you please direct me that way?
4 - How can I take out the Moderator section on the First Forum / Category page?
5 - How do I take out the "Views" section in a Forum?
6 - How do I add vB code ([center])? I tried the little manual thing, but it didn't work!
These are my questions! My vB is located
1 - That's only checked when the user has it checked in it's profile.
If you don't want the feature, take it out yer templates,
or rip it out completely (not recommended!).
2 - Edit your templates.
3 - There is, use the search.
4 - Edit your templates.
5 - Edit your templates.
6 - What do you mean with 'little manual thing'???
1 - What is a Template. This is my first ever dealing with PHP & MySQL!
2 - I searched results 0
3 - The manual add code in the Admin section!
4 - Templates! Around what area do I edit for these things?
Templates are the blocks of HTML code that draws each individual page.
These really have nothing to do with PHP and MySQL but any well designed script should use them. Pity UBB doesn't.
Anyway. If you simply look in your Control Panel You will find a section called templates in the left hand menu. You can add new templates or modify existing ones there. The $words represent variables like the post, user information and other templates. Leave those alone until you know what your doing or you will be in a world of hurt if you delete the wrong one. Simply edit the HTML to your liking and go. I use Homesite to make major changes and copy the code in. You can use whatever your used to.
thnx wluke, now i don't have to explain it to him ;)
AMG: search. it is here in the hacks forum.. just search and you'll find it :) *aargh i'm being soo mean :P*
1 - Which templates would I have to adjust to take out the email notify auto check?
2 - Which templates would I have to edit in order to put up tables under the BBtitle?
3 - Which templates would I have to edit in order to change where the "New Thread" images go?
4 - I tried installing the Stars hack but it was too confusing?
5 - What should I look for specifically concerning the more smilies at once?
[Edited by AMG on 12-19-2000 at 11:53 AM]
1. registeradult and editprofile
2. the templates for each page you want to put it in.
3. forumdisplay and showthread
4. how do I answer that? :p
5. the smilies section in the control panel allows you to add extra smilies.
1 - If I wanted the table to show up in every forum and on the frontpage!
2 - What exactly should I search for concerning Uploading / adding more than 1 smilie at a time!
3 - How would I add HTML coding like (change {} to [] for the example) {center}Here{/center} acting as (change ^to <>^)^center^Here^/center^ and others?
4 - Assuming I have 12 Ranks
1 - 10 are standard for all the users then Mod + Admin!
I tried adding the Stars Hacks, but for some reason it wouldn't add the Cstom Titles!
[Edited by AMG on 12-19-2000 at 12:50 PM]
Maybe before you try installing hacks, you should learn more about PHP and MySQL.
Check out:
This will give you the basics and get you started on the path to fruitful and entertaining vBulletin coding.
Just forget it! I will figure out myself like I had to with the UBB, even though there were more hacks, and tech support!
Don't worry about it!
Thanx for all the time you wasted! :|
Notta, with all due respect, before you start getting angry and making enemies, you may want to consult the documentation that comes with this board.
It explains templates and other items that you have been asking for. When someone posts a question here, it is under the assumption that they have tried searching for the answer in the documentation or the search.
wluke is one of our most helpful members, and he was trying to do just that.
If you want help in the future, it is best not to make enemies with those that can help you...just a thought.
Buddy, you have to know what they are talking about as far as hacking the templates before you will understand it. You need to be familiar with PHP and MySQL before you can understand what the hacks really do. Once you have this knowledge down pat, you will beable to hack it yourself.
I learned it myself without any outside help. It took time, my time. I viewed and analysed the templates and how they interacted with each other. Until I did that, I did not understand it either.
Don't expect someone here to hold your hand and give you complete step by step instructions for your list of hacks you want.
The templates you need to learn are all the begin with 'forum', to start. Many of them interact with one another to give you the forum display. You need to learn how this is done, then you will understand what you need to do.
OK! Gee Thanx! Ummm If you all say so!
I'm not trying to make enemies but I don't have time to site around and learn PHP or MySQL but reading! I figured out CGI + PERL on the UBB by messing with it!
Once you ppl get a few great scripts this won't be a bad board at all!
2 - 3 weeks ago hypermart deleted my account becuz they said all I was using it for was a UBB! After hours of ahcking and all that Lost! No notification of deletion so I had to start over! i couldn't have backed up becuz I didn't know!
So after going through 5 servers I found the right one! Very nice too! i get my board installed and the Main company says it is using too many resources we are going to have to switch to a faster server. OK Kool thatz nice, I only would have liked it if you had told me before you deleted everything and switched me! After going through all that hacking for the sencond timeall of it is lost!
So the site is down 4 days costing me oodles of cashola! Yippee we are back up! OK I start to hacking away re-configuring now this isn't easy 300+ smilies to configure! I was blessed that the UBB has a hack that allows for as many as you want to add codes to, vB i can upload 1 at a time, wow talk about getting it done quick! So I fix everything after encountering to minro CGI probz i get it up and going to find out that the postings.cgi script takes up 99% of the system resources!
So I switch to vB hoping that truly I can import my ubb, truns out you can only import topics / categories & members! Back to the drawing board... hmmm ok I know nothing about MySQL and very very little about PHP3 so letz try this! Come to find out there are very few hacks, the control panel is very primitive and hard to read becuz the menus is in bold and it is like
thisandthat very hard to read!
Finally I get it all fixed to a degree, so now i'm from
B L A H to N A H and I need Y E A H!
So i come here for help and i here edit the templates ok thats kool.
If I have to edit the templates then I will!
I'll just import the code into Dreamweaver 4 and edit from there!
You should be editing your templates from the Admin Control panel, as they are stored in the MySQL database. Those who know what they are doing can edit them directly at the database.
here is a very qick response to your email hack request. I haven't tested or used it.
Go to your Contol panel
options, change options
Switch to no.
In these templates:
Remove this line
<BR><INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" NAME="email" VALUE="yes" $emailchecked> <B>Email Notification:</B> emails sent to you whenever someone replies. Only registered users are eligible.
After doing this you may or maynot find other places in which this needs to be removed, just go to that template and remove this line.
I don't know any other way to quickly upload and install all your smilies.
Your forumdisplay template is where your title image is setup, you can add a table there, below the titleimage and fivelinks.
Have a good look at that template, you should be able to see how it works.
OK! I figured out the templates and started editing them woo man I amaze myself, it worked out perfectly!
As far as the e-mail notify for reply I don't want to delete it, I want it unselected if you can help me there
I will be specific this time
1 - What template would I have to edit to take out the "Views" column?
2 - What template would I have to edit to add a link at the bottom of the Topics that leads me back
Example = Under the bbtitle in a Topic
Link to homepage > Link to forum - Text of topic!
What template would I have to edit to get this?
1 - forumdisplay & forumdisplaybit
2 - forumdisplay
I figured it out, and I am getting it all done by myself though it is rather self explanatory!
I need to know these few things
Which template is the one for the First Page?
I don't have a Moderated By Template, is there one?
I still have been unable to find a "Muliple Smilie Upload" feature.
As far as anything else, I apologize for starting to get pissed and stuff earlier!
For your smilie problem, Why not simply upload all the files via FTP? They go in the /images/smilies directory.
Then you can add them to the database through the form provided. I don't know about adding 300 smilies but it would go faster.
Regarding the 'notify by email' option - Racin' Rob was correct, and you can also change that option in your own user profile (since some members prefer to have that option turned on). Click on 'profile' in the main forum view, and it should be the field at the very bottom.
Regarding the UBB import, I'm not sure where you heard/saw that it only imports members, topics and categories... I did the import on my UBB, and it imported *everything*, including all the posts. It worked like a charm, actually. You just have to follow the instructions.
Hope this helped.
- RJ
1 - The UBB import did import the messages but it didn't import the Styles the smilies or anything important!
2 - I have all the smilies uploaded already! I just want a way that i can give them all codes :whatever: more than 1 at a time.
3 - I want to completly remove the "views" column, what template would I edit?
4 - I want to completly remove the "Moderators column" on the first page "index.php"
Originally posted by AMG
1 - The UBB import did import the messages but it didn't import the Styles the smilies or anything important!
2 - I have all the smilies uploaded already! I just want a way that i can give them all codes :whatever: more than 1 at a time.
3 - I want to completly remove the "views" column, what template would I edit?
4 - I want to completly remove the "Moderators column" on the first page "index.php"
1. Anything Important? Geeze...that IS the message board, dude! The styles and smilies are fluff, it's the information that you need to keep.
2. Sorry, that's how you have to do it, although, isn't 300 smilies a little excessive? Doesn't that crash some peoples machines? Anyway, if you have a list of what you have and add them in alphebetical order, it doesn't really take that much time to add smilies. I added ours in a matter of minutes and we have about 40.
3.Forumdisplaybit template
4. forumhome template
1 - The messages aren't as important as the styles and smilies! The users can go and make messages all ay long! It cost me money to sit there and add codes to 436 smilies!
2 - 436 Smilies D A M N thats alot. You don't understand, my board is an interactive anime site where ppl come to talk about anime and such Pokemon Digimon Dragon Ball Z Gundam Wing Sailor Moon! There are 251 Pokemon plus the badges the characters and the 60+ :) Smile like smilies. The there are more to come with the other Anime Smilies!
3 - It wouldn't crash any machine if it was designed similar to the UBB! Make an HTML Smilie document and put so many on this page for pokemon then for regular smilies for Dbz for digi and so forth! Plus there is a smilie limit!
4 - I am having a small problem with the way vB codes messages! when i post a smlie code it translates it to an img vb code! so when I edit i have to re-insert the codr :whatever: is there any way to change that!
5 - How do I add codes like... i want [ center ], to center text?
1) Sorry.. Obviously your system priorities are different than most. At least Jelsoft provided an import feature in version 1.0. UBB is on 5.XX and what do they import?
5) Again I would like to point you to a good source of information on vBulletin, the user manual.
I don't do this to be mean or degrading but I honestly think it would be helpful. I have only been using vBulletin since August and learned a lot. I started with the User Manual and went through each and every option and each and every template until I understood them. I took me a while, probably 20 hours over a week but has saved me so much time since then.
Since that time, I have rebuilt our control panel and added about 15 unique features to it, including a script from this forum to check server status and another which I wrote that acts like a simple ISQL interface so I have direct access to the database. Taking the time to learn the system a little will be very beneficial in the long run.
P.S. email me and I can write you a script that will import all 436 smilies in exchange for this Book ( shipped to my home. I figure it would take me about 30 minutes to create the script if I had the information like filenames and what codes you wanted to use.
Originally posted by Susan
Doesn't that crash some peoples machines?[/B]
Hey Susan! We determined that it only crashes on those people using Explorer v4.72 for their browser. Dozens of people had that problem and once they upgraded, it worked fine!
Hey, you need to come back to OUH - Chris and I miss you!
I think you mean Netscape v4.72
1 - My priorities are straight but I had very FEW messages. My board was new becuz of the resets of my server so the messages were lost. Had I had more messages then yes it would have been great that they import.
2 - Who are you to judge my motives!
3 - I did and do apologize for coming off badly to start with but that is only becuz I am losing lotza Cash by screwing around on this!
4 - On the upside you guyz do reply alot faster then the ubbdev! Which makes it alot easier for me!
5 - Just becuz UBB doesn't have an import utility doesn't mean that it is a bad Board. How many of you can create a CGI+PERL scripted board that customizeable!
6 - The vB would be the best of all the board if only the control panel was a little more advanced! Maybe on the newer versions, when I went to first install it the menu lettering was all "bunchedtogetherlikethis" it was hard to read!
7 - I thank you all for your help and support though you are probably getting tired of me coming here lol.
I want a modz opinion on the desin integration I added!
If you look at my forum front page te post topic page and the Forum page tell me what you think of the changes!
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