View Full Version : Switching Hosts -- Am I out of luck?

10-01-2003, 07:19 PM
I just spent a ton of time last night on getting a bunch of hacks working exactly how I wanted them. I've now realized I really do have to switch hosts and I am going to need to do that rather quickly.

I am going to attempt to bring my DB with me and I assume I can use the same PHP file edits... if I use the template backup system, will that allow me to keep my hacks?

Does the TBS work with 2.3.2? Is this all I need to keep my hacks safe? I am really freaked out about possibly losing my whole forum and I could just use some reassurance.

10-01-2003, 07:33 PM
One more thing... I know the directions say to Telnet, but am I going to be OK if I use the dump I create with PHPMyAdmin?

10-01-2003, 08:19 PM
]use phpmyadmin ONLY if your DB is small... that is under 20-30Mb... I wouldn't recommed using phpMyAdmin for backupping at all...

Backup your DB :
mysqldump --opt -h HOST_HERE -uLOGIN_HERE -p DATABASE_HERE | gzip -c --best > /path_to_your_folder/backup/`date +%d_%m_%y`.Forum.SQL.gz

Backup your files :
(let's say u want to backup whole WWW folder so then u have to cd .. once (level up)) then u use
tar cvpf Forum.tar www
and then
gzip -c --best Forum.tar > `date +%d_%m_%y`.Forum.tar.gz

Backup part done :)

Restoring DB:
gunzip DATE_OF_THE_FILE.Forum.SQL.gz
and then
mysql -h HOST_HERE -u LOGIN_HERE -p DATABASE_HERE < /path_to_your_folder/backup/DATE_OF_THE_FILE.Forum.SQL

Restoring your php files etc:
tar xvfz DATE_OF_THE_FILE.Forum.tar.gz

All u need :)
I moved host over 6 times now, I have +100-150 hacks installed... never had any probs :)

10-01-2003, 08:26 PM
Thank you, much. :)