View Full Version : vb_bullet.gif Problem, need an urgent fix Please ??

09-29-2003, 11:35 AM

I installed a style for my board, seems to work nicely !!


Look at the image that i have attached to this thread

I get a ugly red "X" instead of the vb_bullet.gif, if i click on properties this is the url where it is pointing too :


How can i fix this please, i tried re-installing everything but that didn't do the trick aswell

Best Regards

Ninth Dimension
09-29-2003, 05:25 PM
I can't remember it's name, but you need to edit one of the "error_" templates (I think). you're looking for something that says:


just remove the {bburl} part.

the reason the image is dead is because you have no-doubt edited your images path (to include your full url) or your forum url, and as such screwed up the img tag...

I would go find the template but i don't currently have vb installed to find it for you.

Ninth Dimension
09-29-2003, 05:26 PM
or, another way you could fix it (i've just seen) is if you go to the vB options, look for where it says forum URL and remove the index.php from it - that should fix it.

09-30-2003, 10:53 AM
Thanks man for the info,

I just figured it out myself also !!!

I removed the "bburl tag" , and it's in standaarderror template !!!

Thanks anyway for the help m8 !!!