View Full Version : [ANSWERED] Showthread!?

Dean C
09-20-2003, 12:38 PM
Why has it been put back in the table again? Firstly it was then it wasn't and now it is again. It means more slow page loading times for me even though mozilla is super fast :(

09-21-2003, 07:58 AM
It was not in a table in vB2 because the postbits in vB2 were designed by default to be in their own tables, and such a wide post would not affect the whole thread - putting showthread in a table in vB2 defeats that, so it was never put in a table.

In vB3, since the postbits are all in the same table anyway, I thought we can put it back in the table, as it looks better.

Also, for me anyway, showthread loads just as fast as before, basically because the images are all cached from previous pages anyway. :)

Dean C
09-21-2003, 08:06 AM
Tis up to you guys I guess. I'm just dropping my $100 worth of 2cents ;)

Dean C
09-21-2003, 08:07 AM
Oh btw another thing that you forgot to process in the transfer was the big thread title above the postbits :)

09-21-2003, 10:40 AM
Why we want a big thread title? :)

Dean C
09-21-2003, 01:32 PM
Because it reminds me of how good vb2 used to be :(

09-22-2003, 10:42 PM
vb2 never has had big thread titles iirc.
it was just a template edit, and we don't do template edits we don't really need.