View Full Version : Problem with Warning Hack v2.1 by g-force2k2

09-19-2003, 02:13 AM
Great hack and very useful. However, I am having some problems with it. I set the No Warning Usergroups to 6 for Administrators; that didn't work. Administrators have the Warning links on their posts.

Next, I set the Register Group to 10 (Created usergroup named League Members) and for some reason only a few members in this group show the links. Basically half of them show the links, the others don't show the links.

And, I'd like to be able to add more than one user group to the Register Group option, can this be done?


09-19-2003, 02:31 AM
Great hack and very useful. However, I am having some problems with it. I set the No Warning Usergroups to 6 for Administrators; that didn't work. Administrators have the Warning links on their posts.

Next, I set the Register Group to 10 (Created usergroup named League Members) and for some reason only a few members in this group show the links. Basically half of them show the links, the others don't show the links.

And, I'd like to be able to add more than one user group to the Register Group option, can this be done?

I can answer your First Q...

Even if a user group is on the "No Warning" list, the links still show up...

clicking the link displays a "No permission" thingy so...yea :p

09-19-2003, 05:13 AM
And, I'd like to be able to add more than one user group to the Register Group option, can this be done?

Hobbes answered the first question...

as for this question it is very possible but the setting for the registered group is for placing unbanned members back into the reg group...

its possible the effect you want... but then you would also need to make it so the hack could store what group they were in before they had gotten banned...


09-19-2003, 05:58 AM
Well the most pressing item in the agenda is figuring out how only some people in the "registered" group id show the links and the others don't.

09-19-2003, 03:08 PM
I was testing the Warn User option and I got the following error:

Database error in vBulletin 2.3.2:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO privatemessage
(privatemessageid, userid, touserid, fromuserid, title, message, dateline, showsignature, iconid, messageread, folderid, receipt)
(NULL, '9', '9', '2', 'Coach's Corner Warning Notification', 'Playa,

You have been issued a warning by TYorke on the account of Insubordination!
You now have 3 Warning Points.
The ban limit is currently set to 10 Total Warning Points.

Coach's Corner team.', '1063987739', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1')
mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near 's Corner Warning Notification', 'Playa,

You have been issued a warning by TYork' at line 5

mysql error number: 1064

Date: Friday 19th of September 2003 12:08:59 PM
Script: http://forums.cchl.ca/warn.php
Referer: http://forums.cchl.ca/warn.php?s=&action=add_warn&postid=764

09-23-2003, 06:34 AM
Anyone, anyone? Buller...

It's a bit frustrating to say the least. I'd like to use this hack but this leaves me little choice and I'd hate to uninstall it since "it could be" so useful.

If anyone can help, please do :)