View Full Version : Auto add users to PerlDesk DB upon vB registration

09-10-2003, 10:00 PM
Version .10 | Copywrite noppid 2003
This code will automatically add users to a perldesk MySQL database
upon registration to a vBulletin forum. This is achived in two steps.

a.) When the user registers, an entry into a new table will be made with
that users login information for perldesk.

b.) When the user is approved and sent an activation notice they will
be added to the perldesk users database upon activation. This is done
to give some control of the building of the users database in perldesk.
Otherwise each registration would automatically add a user to perldesk
too. Some may prefer this, who knows? If so put the code all in
part one, it should work but was not tested.

If an error occurs the techadmin in your config.php will be notified
via email as to which function failed so you can take action. Once
operating properly the only error we can foresee is that a username
is already in use on the perldesk users database and not in vBulletin.
This would cause the user to be added only to vBulletin and the techadmin
will be notified via email to add the user to perldesk by hand. If the
techadmin is sent any emails the user did not get added to perldesk.
Errors are unlikely though and the routines will aid installation
troubleshooting only most likely.

Outlined below are the four steps necessary to make the code functional.
You must have your perldesk MySQL database access information and access to
your vBulletin installation's FTP or equivelent to patch the two files. You
also need access to your vBulletin MySQL database to run a MySQL query to
add the necessary table for the code to work. phpMyAdmin works well for this.

Two files need to be edited on your vBulletin installation, register.php
in the forums folder and config.php in the forums/admin folder.

A table needs to be added to your vbulletin installation's MySQL database
as well.

There is no screen shot since the process is transparent in the background.

09-12-2003, 08:41 AM
If a user changes his vbulletin password, is the pass in the perldesk db also changed ?

Dean C
09-12-2003, 09:13 AM
Good thinking there floris ;)

This is an excellent idea for hosting companies.

* Mist likes :)

09-12-2003, 09:20 AM
I'm buying perl desk soon so I'll add installed now ;) are there any issues I should look out for? and I was hoping a hack like this would come out, thanks very much this saves a lot of work ;)

09-12-2003, 05:15 PM
I'm buying perl desk soon so I'll add installed now ;) are there any issues I should look out for? and I was hoping a hack like this would come out, thanks very much this saves a lot of work ;)

Well right off the bat one shortcoming may be as xiphoid pointed out, if a user changes their vB password the Perldesk password is not auto changed. This can become a feature though easily I'm sure.

I wrote this about 6 months ago and was sitting on it. I didn't really plan to release it but found it and said what the hay.

Also the code was originally written to be used on boards where email verification is on for registration.

09-26-2003, 01:41 AM
I just bought the latest version of perldesk so would love to see any updates if you have time to work on it, I'll send you a link when I have it setup and intergrated into my site layout :)

10-01-2003, 03:12 AM
This is absolutely awesome! I put in a request at Scriptlance to have someone integrate this with my vbulletin database but the prices I was getting was about $200.00! Thank you so much for this hack as I am going to be using Perl Desk for my members on my larger communities.. ;)

10-01-2003, 04:50 AM
This will work in VB3 with some slight changes.

10-01-2003, 02:30 PM
This is absolutely awesome! I put in a request at Scriptlance to have someone integrate this with my vbulletin database but the prices I was getting was about $200.00! Thank you so much for this hack as I am going to be using Perl Desk for my members on my larger communities.. ;)

There's a donation button at the bottom of our forums. ;)

I'm glad it's helpful.

10-04-2003, 03:54 AM
I'll be using it.. ;)

10-24-2004, 03:33 PM
Does this, or another, hack work to integrate users from Perldesk 2.0 with vB 3.0.3?

10-26-2004, 10:02 AM
bump for vb 3.03 and perldesk 2


11-08-2004, 02:31 PM
not even working for me on a 2.3.5 site.....i don't use email activation :-(

11-10-2004, 05:00 PM
I wrote it on request. It wasn't private, but the guy that used it was happy so I released it to show what can be done. Feel free to mod it or upgrade it or reuse it or whatever ya want. I don't have the product to continue work or give advice on new code.