View Full Version : Header & Footer needed

09-10-2003, 10:02 PM
I am looking for a new header and footer for my site. I really do not have the time to try and work on this myself do to many reasons at this time, however, the site is being redone anyway so this would be a nice new thing.

Please PM me if you think you can help us out

09-11-2003, 01:06 AM
one might want to help with content, also you might have a better response over at vbulletintemplates.com

09-11-2003, 01:18 AM
one might want to help with content, also you might have a better response over at vbulletintemplates.com
I will do that also, thought this would go over better then it has here.

09-11-2003, 01:19 AM
how so? vBulletin Tempates is all about site design :)

vb.org to me is more or less just hacking templates if nessary

09-11-2003, 01:24 AM
how so? vBulletin Tempates is all about site design :)

vb.org to me is more or less just hacking templates if nessary

I did not think about it like that really, figured that anyone here would also be just about as able as anyone else. Besides that is what this forum more or less is for here right?

Thanks for the help

09-13-2003, 12:17 AM
I can offer some webhosting in exchange for anyone willing to help.

I know it's not money and I doubt you need webspace but it's what I can offer now.

My email is