View Full Version : I just saw this yesterday

09-01-2003, 09:33 PM
I need to find the minumum post to view members profile, I could have swear I saw it by HellSatan or MIST (note to mist, I am almost done)

I have implemented minimum for members list , but need to add that same for profile, I saw it in a thread yesterday. I have searched about 30 different ways with no luck,


midz :bunny:

09-01-2003, 09:36 PM
<a href="https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?s=&threadid=48610" target="_blank">https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showt...threadid=48610</a>

You want that?

09-01-2003, 10:15 PM
Nope, but thanks.

I saw hell Satan I think mention and give the code for a small hack that puts a minimum post required to view memeber profiles.


09-01-2003, 10:20 PM
Try this:

Run this query:
INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,7,'Minmimum Posts to view Profiles','profileminposts','0','Here you enter the number of posts a user must have before he/she can view a members profile.','','6');

Now open member.php, and find:

if ($action=="getinfo") {
$templatesused = "getinfo_sendpm,aol,icq,yahoo,getinfo_birthday,geti nfo_customfields,getinfo";

add after:

if ($bbuserinfo[posts] < $profileminposts) {

create template 'error_profileminposts'

Sorry you need at least $profileminposts posts before you can view this members profile.

Untested but should work