View Full Version : Get threadid in forumdisplay

08-31-2003, 12:54 AM
HI everybody,
I have to do a mod for my board, but i've one problem:
i would like to insert an image dinamically under the thread name starter.The different images are chosen if a record in one table are set to value "1" or to value "2".
To see this value i have to do 1 query to db :cheeky: , and the value 1 or 2 are stored for each thread in forum....so i have to do some like this

$DB_site->query_first("SELECT stato from value WHERE threadid=$thread[threadid]");

I got this piece of code around the line 748 in forumdisplay.php, but the problem is that i don't know how to set, previously of my query, the $thread[threadid] variable from each thread showed in the list...
I think that this variable is evaluated in forumdisplay.php inside a while loop that generates all the info needed to display each row for the catecorized forums when foromdisplay is called. So, inside this loop you have $forum[forumid] stating the current forum proccessed in cache and maybe $thread[threadid] variable...
In this discussion https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?s=&threadid=55783 there is a query that perhaps is good for my problem and is function showlast5posts($forumpath, $forumid){
global $DB_site;

$getlast5posts = $DB_site->query(" SELECT threadid, title
FROM thread
WHERE forumid = '".intval($forumid)"'
ORDER BY lastpost DESC
LIMIT 5");

while($this5post = $DB_site->fetch_array($getlast5posts)) {
$forumspathe = $forumspath;
$tid = $this5post['threadid'];
$ttitle = $this5post['title'];
eval("\$GLOBALS[last5postsshow] = \"".gettemplate('forumhome_lastpostby')."\";");


But i wouldn't the last 5 post but all the threadid of the threads displayed , so could someone of you, the php/sql/vb-mods experts, take a look at forumdisplay code and find the magick trick that would let me to have the threadid variable , using it on a query ?

Helps is much appreciate!
kaiser :classic:

PS= sorry for my bad english i'm working on it

08-31-2003, 01:02 AM
Sorry, maybe i had to post this in "help me finish" forum.If some mod can move this plz....

08-31-2003, 11:55 AM
:) moved for ya :)

09-01-2003, 08:43 AM
Just use $tid (you defined the threadid in there already) and don't run a query in the loop please, like the way you plan it now... you will endup with "295" queries (or less ;)) performed on the forumdisplay page.