View Full Version : Age restrictions needed for some Forums - How?

08-23-2003, 06:00 PM
Age Restricted Forums

I hope that I have come to the right place.

What I need is a a way to keep people from being able to view forums if for example they are under the age of 17 or 18 years of age.

I know that I can have a private forum. But then that would set up additional work of having to approve entry to that forum.

I know it can be done becasue I have seen it in different forums.

When I contacted vbulletin they told me I should visit hacking Hints and someone out there would have the answer and code that could be used.

08-23-2003, 06:06 PM
First compute the users age from their birthday they input.

Make a function that will check the age.. like

checkAge($userage = $theirage, $agelimit = 18);

then place it the assigned scripts, showthread.php, forumdisplay.php, etc (you would have to add a little more security to it though)

10-14-2005, 08:36 PM
How do u get it to block for just one board?