08-18-2003, 05:31 PM
I would like to use the vB security on the attachments as a method for offering large files (100 - 400MB size -patches for games, etc...). I have played around with the "Attachments as Files" setup adn that works OK but on files of 300+MB, it seems PHP trys to spool the file to a temp dir or something before starting the download. This tells me there is far more processing going on than I think is needed for this process to work. if 3 people click on that 300mb file at once it almost crashes the server (1GB ram P4 2Ghz) due to the HTTPD session that spikes up in CPU usage and TONS of memory uses for about 15 seconds. (per session). THen the memory drops down and the download starts.
What I am looking for is something that shows up as an attachment like normal, but instead of doing any processing it just passes an FTP link to the user after it verifys that the user is legit.
If this doesnt work or isnt possible I will more than likely try and use some 3rd party download manager, but I would SO much like to use the vB security base with this.
What I am looking for is something that shows up as an attachment like normal, but instead of doing any processing it just passes an FTP link to the user after it verifys that the user is legit.
If this doesnt work or isnt possible I will more than likely try and use some 3rd party download manager, but I would SO much like to use the vB security base with this.