View Full Version : Nucleus Weblog Integration with vB

Mistah Roth
08-09-2003, 06:38 PM
Alright I use Nucleus (http://nucleuscms.org) as my news script on my site. There is a user table called nucleus_member where you have your own users and such, but I want it to integrate with vb so that Nucleus uses the members in the user table for vbulletin (I tried doing this myself but due to the difference in the columns for each table, it didnt work at all).

Does anyone think they can do this? Also, a side request (not necissary but would be useful) would be to change the Nucleus Admin thing into an extention of the admin cp of the vbulleting, to make things easier to access.

11-17-2003, 10:10 AM
Any news on this ?

11-17-2003, 07:52 PM
Ok i habe a solution for you.

step 1. make a backup of your (nucleus home)/nucleus/libs/SKIN.php and keep it in a safe place.

step 2. open the SKIN.php and find the function definition for "parse_commentform()" around line 820

and edit the function to look like this:

function parse_commentform($destinationurl = '') {
global $itemid, $member, $CONF, $manager;

// warn when trying to provide a actionurl (used to be a parameter in Nucleus <2.0)
if (stristr($destinationurl, 'action.php')) {
$args = func_get_args();
$destinationurl = $args[1];
ACTIONLOG::add(WARNING,'actionurl is not longer a parameter on commentform skinvars. Moved to be a global setting instead.');

$actionurl = $CONF['ActionURL'];

// if item is closed, show message and do nothing
$item =& $manager->getItem($itemid,0,0);
if ($item['closed']) {

if (!$destinationurl)
$destinationurl = createItemLink($itemid, $this->linkparams);

//added by pineappleclock
//open another connection to the database
//get a row from 'user'

$pdbh = mysql_connect("localhost", "<YOUR DB USERNAME>", "<DATABASE PASSWORD>");
$pselected = mysql_select_db("<YOUR VBB DATABASE>",$pdbh);
$couid = cookieVar('bbuserid');
if ($couid!=""){
$presult = mysql_query("SELECT username,password FROM user WHERE userid=$couid");
$prow = mysql_fetch_row($presult);

$this->formdata = array(
'ccbbsname' => htmlspecialchars($prow[0]),
'ccbbsuid' => htmlspecialchars(cookieVar('bbuserid')),
'destinationurl' => $destinationurl,
'actionurl' => $actionurl,
'itemid' => $itemid,
'user' => htmlspecialchars(cookieVar('comment_user')),

'userid' => htmlspecialchars(cookieVar('comment_userid')),

'membername' => $member->getDisplayName(),
'rememberchecked' => cookieVar('comment_user')?'checked="checked"':''

if (!$member->isLoggedIn()) {

if (!isset($prow[1])) {

if ($prow[1] != cookieVar('bbpassword')) {
//the member is not logged into BBS or CMS
} else {
//do our special form
//user is logged into the BBS

} else {

Step 3. Now go to (nucleus home)/nucleus/forms/ and add the following code as "commentform-bbsloggedin.template"

<form method="post" action="<%formdata(actionurl)%>">
<div class="commentform">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="addcomment" />
<input type="hidden" name="url" value="<%formdata(destinationurl)%>" />
<input type="hidden" name="itemid" value="<%itemid%>" />

<input type="hidden" name="user" value="<%formdata(ccbbsname)%>" />
<input type="hidden" name="userid" value="http://THE PATH TO YOUR VBULLETIN INSTALLATION/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=<%formdata(ccbbsuid)%>" />

<label for="nucleus_cf_body"><%text(_COMMENTFORM_COMMENT)%></label>:
<br />
<textarea name="body" class="formfield" cols="40" rows="10" id="nucleus_cf_body"></textarea>
<br />
You are logged in the BBS as: <%formdata(ccbbsname)%>
<br />
<input type="submit" value="<%text(_COMMENTFORM_SUBMIT)%>" class="formbutton" />

01-05-2006, 12:21 PM
this looks interesting but what does it do - it does not appear to hare the vb user table with nucelus and that's what he is asking for - I am looking for the same.

01-07-2006, 11:43 AM
I need that too, but is good some tool that no touch/alter/drop (nothing) of vb tables, good solution I think is a 3d part for this, no one about it?

08-06-2006, 11:25 PM
Any word on some sort of intergration?

08-27-2006, 04:54 PM

07-11-2007, 11:32 AM
I'm looking for this as well..

A user based integration between www.nucleuscms.org and VB. So people will need one account to be able to use both services.

Reason to upp this is cause it's quite old. Someone willing to have a look into this??