View Full Version : WAV file embedded for PMs

08-08-2003, 06:52 PM
Hello, I co-own and admin a Toyota 4Runner & truck forum called YotaTech. (http://yotatech.com)
I am not a coder, and will be looking for help in the future to add the PM blinking toolbar, and also the quick reply box down the road.

But for now I had an idea.
I often embed WAV files on my personal website with the following code:
<embed src=http://www.pnw4runners.com/temp/mail.wav autostart=true volume="100" hidden=true>

I am wondering if for the PM template that pops up the message that says you have a new PM waiting, and if you'd like to open it up in a new window, if I can put the above html code into it to make the mail WAV file play.

I saw the template the other day in my admin section, but now I am having a hard time finding it https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2003/08/3.gif

Do you think my idea would work?
And if so, where in the heck is that template?
I can see the PM template section, but I can't find the one I saw the other day with the pop up info on it.

Private Messaging Templates [expand]
privfolder [change original]
privfolder_bit [change original]
privfolder_deletedbit [change original]
privfolder_denyreceipt [change original]
privfolder_massforward [change original]
privfolder_messages [change original]
privfolder_nomessages [change original]
privmsg [change original]
privmsg_nextnewest [change original]
privmsg_nextoldest [change original]
privsent [change original]
privsent_emailnotified [change original]
privsent_nomessages [change original]
privsent_readmessagebit [change original]
privsent_readmessages [change original]
privsent_restorecancelled [change original]
privsent_unreadmessagebit [change original]
privsent_unreadmessages [change original]
privsent_useroffline [change original]
privsent_useronline [change original]
priv_buddymasspmlink [change original]
priv_choosebuddies [change original]
priv_choosebuddybit [change original]
priv_dateselect [change original]
priv_forwardmultiple [change original]
priv_forwardmultiple_titlebit [change original]
priv_forwardtobuddylink [change original]
priv_readreceiptslink [change original]
priv_readreceiptsoption [change original]
priv_reply [change original]
priv_requestreceipt [change original]
priv_sendprivmsg [change original]
priv_sendtobuddies [change original]
priv_sendtobuddies_name [change original]
priv_senttomultiple [change original]
priv_showfolders [change original]
priv_showfolders_folderbit [change original]

Thanks, Corey

08-08-2003, 11:52 PM
is this u looking for?


08-09-2003, 12:35 AM
Thanks, I read that one a month ago, but I am not good at messing around with the templates, and I don't wanna bring the forum to a dead crawl because I fubared up a template.

I thought it might work my way too, with just having to add the one line of html to the popup window template.

08-09-2003, 02:28 AM
I think your way would work. Look in the head_newpm template.