View Full Version : Vbulletin Site Shut Down By Hosting Company

special k
08-06-2003, 04:09 PM
I was wondering if anyone has any ideas as to what this means. My hosting company suspended my site, that hosted a Vbulletin Board. The site usually has between 10 - 20 members on at a time, and about 50 posts a day.

MySite.com was suspended due to resource utilization abuse. The script caused the webserver to max out for several hours.

The following log snippet describes why MySite.com was temporarily suspended.

7-1 30643 0/8536/8668 G 108.21 (CPU% ---- EXTREMELY HIGH) 47991 0 0.0 45.58 46.19 (<-----REMOTE IP) ((Link: www.MySite.com)www.MySite.com) GET /index.php?module=controlpanel HTTP/1.1

Please reply as soon as possible and confirm that the script (control panel module) will be removed.
Then it will be unsuspended.

08-06-2003, 04:44 PM
looks like you have a control panel module on your site which was causing server load to increase. were you running vbportal or phpnuke or something on there along with the vb at all?

i think it would be best if you removed that script from the server and then emailed them telling them so.

if you were using vbportal, may i suggest that you opt for another portal script, such as vBhome lite for example.

special k
08-06-2003, 04:52 PM
We are running VBPortal, and have been for the past 8 months.

So the code that caused the problem would be "index.php/module=controlpanel" and this is part of the VBPortal?


08-07-2003, 11:18 AM
vBPortal is a resource-hog. Uninstalling it will probably reduce your load by 90%. Removing unnecessary hacks would help too.