View Full Version : Ad Space between First and Second Category !?

07-31-2003, 02:40 AM

I'd like to have a space between first forum category and second forum category, but the other categories should remain as they are without any space between them.

Example : the first two categories for vb.org are vBulletin.org and Code Hacks . Now between these two categories, I'd like to have a gap of say 150PX of height with the same table width as that of forum table.

But I don't need any space between other categories, that is without splitting the other categories, can this space between first two categories be achieved.

Also, in that space, I'd like to have a HTML Ad code.

How can i do this ??

Thanks for any help.


11-20-2003, 08:42 PM
I'm looking for that too. =)