07-30-2003, 05:13 AM
This is bugging me! None of the staff are shown on the page [myself included], only the titles are, eg Administrators, Super Moderators - and Moderators are down twice for some reason.
I got rid off unneeded tables in the DB and restored the original files with minor hacks which should not have changed things, such as multiple quotes etc, but it is still showing nothing.
The showgroup template is untouched, and I've checked the Usegroups.
Pease help!
This is bugging me! None of the staff are shown on the page [myself included], only the titles are, eg Administrators, Super Moderators - and Moderators are down twice for some reason.
I got rid off unneeded tables in the DB and restored the original files with minor hacks which should not have changed things, such as multiple quotes etc, but it is still showing nothing.
The showgroup template is untouched, and I've checked the Usegroups.
Pease help!