View Full Version : vBB FAQ System

07-22-2003, 07:06 PM
I know that there is a FAQ Edit hack out there and that is all well and good, but I need something a bit more powerful.

Looking for a hack for vBB that allows my users to add thier own FAQ questions.

Need it to have the following features.

Users can add FAQ Questions
Users can add FAQ Answers
Categoies and Sub-Categories
ACP Options to turn on and off the FAQ
ACP Options to select what groups/users can add questions
ACP Options to select what groups/users can add answers
ACP add/edit/removal of categories, sub-categories
ACP add/edit/removal of FAQ questions and answers.
Template control for look and feel
List all FAQ questions or just questions within a category
Search FAQ added to the vBB search

This would be good the boards that have forums run by a lot of users. The moderators can post all the rules for their forum here. Also good for online gaming communities for game questions. Good for RPG communities for RPG questions. Also technical questions for like html help, hardware, software, etc..

Many applications. What do you think?

This looks like it could be as simple as a modification of the vBstory - an Interactive Story for vB (1.0 Final) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?s=&threadid=42899) hack by Ninth Dimension.

Ninth Dimension
07-22-2003, 07:23 PM
Sorry, but the Interactive story hack is nothing like what you want. the only reason I can think of why you compare it, is the fact that vBstory is split up into diffrent genres, each of which has multipul stories within in, that side of things is easy. the hard bit on your hack is setting up all the extra tables and stuff you need.

I'm sorry to say however that at the end of the day, i'm too busy right now working on my own projects, and as such don't have any time to spare building you an FAQ system, sorry.

Although i'm not sure where, i think there is a fully fledged FAQ system on this site anyway? you might wanna take a look for it, or see if one of the other very nice people here can build something for you.

I would not recomend trying to edit vBstory as it's so totally diffrent to what you want you would cause more problems than soloutions.

Ninth Dimension
07-22-2003, 07:24 PM
did you see this yet? https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?s=&threadid=27733&highlight=faq

07-23-2003, 12:22 PM
I appreciate the suggestion, but the FAQ Edit hack just allows you to edit the existing vBB FAQ. It does not allow users to add questions or answers. It does not have any ACP features or have Categories and sub-categories.

Anybody else have any ideas on this one?