View Full Version : Can I turn off the "edited by" message?

12-13-2000, 06:19 AM
Can I turn off the "edited by" message when the moderator is editing a post? I still want it to show when the user is editing his own post but not when the moderator is editing it.
I do know that for the Admin there is a switch in the control panel for this. But what's with the Moderators?
You can visit my forums at http://www.jumpondeals.com/forum

12-17-2000, 06:53 PM
Is there really no hack for this?
This is sooooo important for me, I am just sitting and waiting for an answer!!!
Please folks and buddies help me out with this one!
I would really appreciate it!
You can visit my forums at http://www.jumpondeals.com/forum

12-18-2000, 08:34 AM
Not sure but in editpost.php(3) you need to change following lines.

if ($showeditedby==1 and $postinfo[dateline]<(time()-($noeditedbytime*60))) {
if ($getperms[canadminedit]==0 or $showeditedbyadmin==1 or ($getperms[canadminedit]==1 and $getperms[cancontrolpanel]==0)) {
$getorig=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT pagetext FROM post WHERE postid=$postid");

I don't have enough PHP skills to do this. :(

12-18-2000, 04:17 PM
Is there no one on this board with some PHP skills who can help us out here???
I am still waiting to put up some moderators on my board until I will get an answer for this!

12-21-2000, 02:15 AM
Just bumping this up again, because I'm sure that there are some of you who know this answer. Please please take a minute to answer this.
My forums is located at:

11-18-2001, 07:48 PM

11-18-2001, 08:10 PM
There's a setting for this in control panel options, no?

11-18-2001, 08:17 PM
for admin not moderators

11-18-2001, 08:19 PM
Could you track down the function that alreay exists in the PHP code and add the Moderator groupID to the place where the feature disables it for Admins?

11-18-2001, 08:21 PM
think so we will check that

11-19-2001, 04:34 AM
tubedogg already did this, do a search in either requests or full releases.