View Full Version : Closed Thread Automaticly Moves To "Trash" Forum

07-21-2003, 05:13 PM
Is there a hack, or can it be possible, to make all closed threads automaticly move to a certant forums?

Umm... Not much to more to add...

07-22-2003, 12:58 AM
This is possible to do with a quick filechange... please note that this will place a thread into your "trash" forum whether it is closed or opened.

Open postings.php and find:
$DB_site->query("UPDATE thread SET open=$threadinfo[open],notes='".addslashes($threadinfo[notes])."' WHERE threadid='$threadid'");

Change it to:
$DB_site->query("UPDATE thread SET open=$threadinfo[open],forumid='xxx',notes='".addslashes($threadinfo[notes])."' WHERE threadid='$threadid'");

Replacing xxx with the forumid of your "Trash" forum.

Good luck.

06-06-2004, 03:48 PM
is there a way to get this to work only on a certain forum?

as in: if forumid=1 or forumid=2 and its closed then move to forumid=3

So that if its anything besides 1 and 2, its not moved to 3....

thanks for any help :)