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07-21-2003, 06:52 AM
i placed this line into my style template at the Header: section but it didnt work
<?php include("ttlast.php");?>

seems i can't put php tags over there? whats the way to include the ttlast.php file to scroll at the top of my forums?

if anyone can help me i would bbe grateful

Thanks in advance.

07-23-2003, 12:20 PM
There are 2 ways of doing it.

Files to Edit: 1
Templates To Add: 1

In *** root/global.php *** find:




Right under it add:


///// ttlast include start /////////
eval("\$ttlast = \"".gettemplate('ttlast')."\";");
///// ttlast include end/////////


Save then upload.


Add a New Template called ttlast.
Put the contents of ttlast.php in it. Then to include the template, just use $ttlast in your header section.

The second way of doing this is without a template.

In *** root/global.php *** find:




Right under it add:


///// ttlast include start /////////
$ttlast = include("ttlast.php");
///// ttlast include end/////////


Save then upload. ttlast.php must be located in your /root forum directory (or youc an change the include). Then to include the file, just use $ttlast in your header section.

I have tested both of these methods and they should work flawlessly.

07-23-2003, 09:03 PM
it broke the forum

due it has DIR="RTL" and whenever i put this line it switch the whole system to LTR

right to left and left to right.

its arabic

07-24-2003, 03:10 PM
How did it break the forum? Are you postive the file you included works correctly and there are no coding errors in it (provided that it has PHP coding in it)?

07-24-2003, 09:01 PM
it turned to LTR insteadof RTL

from "right to left" to "left to right"

07-25-2003, 04:31 AM
Are you using DIR as a variable? Maybe you could change it so something else. Apparently your code is interfering with VB's and overriding some values if so.

07-25-2003, 01:15 PM
the DIR in the ttlast.php is dir=\"rtl\"

i tried to switch it to ltr or rtl didnt change anything