View Full Version : Any help for a newbie?

07-20-2003, 07:22 AM
Hey guys.. wondering if you can help me out

If you take a look at this example thread (http://www.daoc-ar.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=25) , for me it looks a bit messy..

Example, on the first post, the sig is a few lines from the bottom leaving a huge gap, and the 'report this post to a moderator' link is also floating in mid-air.. I'm guessing it's probably because of the avatar area, but I'm looking for a way to push the sig down to the bottom, as well as the 'report... ' bit.

Another thing I'd like to do is leave a small space from the top of the posts, cus if you dont put a subject in the response, your test is pushed right up against the top, and it looks kinda strange to me.

Any help on how to go about achieving this?

Thanks in advance for any advice :)