View Full Version : Need a simple Avatar hack, please

12-12-2000, 11:56 PM
I've seen a lot of stuff in here about avatars. But what I've seen appears either unfinished or incomplete, or incompatible with 1.1.4, or then there's the one where the avatar is based on how many posts the user has.

I just want something simple that works with 1.1.4. What I want is to upload some images to a folder on the server. The user can go to his/her profile and select the image they want to use, and they can select from all the available images, not be restricted based on post count. Also, they should be able to see what they are selecting. Finally, there should be a provision for custom avatars. A member could email me an image, I could upload it, and either by use of a special name on the image or some other way, that image would be available only to the one user.

Any help is appreciated! Thanks.

12-13-2000, 01:30 AM
Considering mine which does work on 1.1.4 if you do read the whole thread and JimF's which also works on 1.1.4 and v2.0 has Avatars - you aren't going to get much of a response in creating yet another avatar hack. Now I don't know if v2.0 will support reading a directory to fill in the avatars but I will surely hack that capability into it if it doesn't.