View Full Version : Changing Domains - Need to replace cureent domain reference in posts

07-12-2003, 06:03 AM
Here is what I need to do.

Im currently in the process of moving my forum from one domain to another.

My current forum has a buckload of threads with images that were uploaded by the members via an upload script (thanks to vb.org).

In the threads themselves the IMG tag is used to point to the location the image was uploaded to.
[I M G]http://www.current-domain/forums/uploads/member-name/image01.jpg[/ I M G]

Now what I need to do is be able to replace every instance of :
without manually going into each and every thread to do so.
(as you can imagine that would take hours, if not days)

Any suggestions on how to go about this would be greatly appreciated.

07-12-2003, 08:51 AM
there is a hack by the sisko which can do so :)

07-12-2003, 10:16 AM
Cheers to Xenon for pointing that out
And a huge thanks to the sisko for creating the hack

The amount of time and effort saved, well I cant describe it


07-12-2003, 04:44 PM
you're welcome :)

thx thor, i can remember most hack authors of important hacks ^^

07-13-2003, 12:24 AM
You could always create a new Replacement variable, to replace the old reference with the new one. :)