View Full Version : Integration of vBulletin and External Support Desk

07-10-2003, 03:41 AM
Currently we have :
- vbulletin forums
- a support job tracker (also in php & mysql)

What I would like to do is integrate the two systems.

At the moment, when we get a new client, I need to create them a group and account in vbulletin (plus set them up their own cat + forums with required permissions etc)
Then I need to add them to the job tracking system we have in place.

Here is what I would like to happen when we get a new client :
- a group and account in vbulletin (plus set them up their own cat + forums with required permissions etc)
- this also gives them access to the job tracking
- they have one login point rather than the 2 they currently have

Added bonusus would be :
- style of vb also gets pulled over

Basically what I need to be able to do is incorporate the permissions/groups/accounts from vb over into the job tracking system.

Any suggestions on how to go about this would be greatly appreciated.

07-12-2003, 06:23 AM
HAs anyone got any ideas - at all - on how todo this ?