View Full Version : WebTemplates 2.x: VB Integrated Content Management System
06-29-2003, 10:00 PM
After a long wait, here is the new 2.x version of Webtemplates. First a short introduction for users who are not familiar with the old version:
This hack is a vbulletin integrated content management system. Term "Webtemplates" stands for dynamic webpages that reside in your MYSQL database and administered inside your vbulletin admin control panel. But they are more than regular site pages because they can automatically inherit visual design of your forum, can apply permissions according to your vb usergroup settings, can keep track of page counts, last visitorname/visit time, display page browsers in the page itself and in your whoisonline page etc. So basically webtemplates are dynamic web pages of your site which are powered by vbulletin.
([New] indicates feature that is recently introduced in this 2.x version)
Easy Installation : Webtemplates can be installed to your board without hacking even a single vbulletin file! It is coded as an add-on, not a hack.
Conditionals : Webtemplates has built-in support for Logician's advanced templates conditionals so you can design webtemplates which change their display under different conditions. (Even if you don't have that hack installed)
Private Webtemplates (NEW): With 1 click you can make a webtemplate "private" and it will be displayed to only certain usergroups.
Apply VB Permissions: You can ban any webtemplate to any user or usergroup according to their userids or usergroupids. So for instance you can design a webtemplate which only members can see while guests can not or only user A can not see etc.
Draft Webtemplates (NEW): You can put webtemplates in "draft" mode which makes them invisible to all but admins.
Visitor Logging&Tracking (NEW): You can track certain users (by usergroup or userid) to monitor who visited a webtemplate and when. This is configurable per webtemplate basis.
Site Contributers (Editor) Support (NEW): You can grant editing permissions for certain users or usergroups for your webtemplates individually and they will be able to update these webtemplates using their own editor interface.
Categories (NEW): Webtemplates 2.x supports multi-categories for better webtemplate organizations.
Multi Parsing (NEW): Webtemplates can now parse PHP or HTML or TEXT (=smilie/img tags/bbcode parsing like vb posts)
Default variables : You can use/display certain variables in your webtemplates like username of the visitor, visitor email address, last visit time, page creation time, page last edit time, Last visitor name, last visit time etc.
Outside Variables (NEW): Advanced users can now use outside variables in webtemplates, then webtemplates will accept/use/process user sent variables via HTTP_GET and HTTP_POST methods (eg. a HTML form can post to a webtemplate with this feature)
Page Counter : Webtemplate has built-in counter and you can display page count to your visitors and you can edit it or turn it OFF or ON per webtemplate basis.
Page Browsers Display (NEW): Webtemplates can display who is browsing that webtemplate while people is reading them (like default forum browse display of vbulletin)
Who is Online Display (NEW): Webtemplates can display page visitors in who is online (This is Optional and require a simple hacking in file online.php). You can create private webtemplates which are hidden in who is online too.
Theme Support (NEW): Webtemplates support "themes" which are parent webtemplates which include child webtemplates in them. For instance if you have 20 similiar pages which uses the same visual look, you can make a theme for them, then just insert their content into this theme. If you change theme later, all 20 pages' visual will change automatically.
Header/Footer Inclusion : Webtemplates can use headers/footers (your default vb header/footer or custom ones)
PHPINCLUDE per webtemplate (NEW) : Every webtemplate has its own "phpinclude" field which you can run PHP codes before loading the Webtemplate
Help Documents : The script comes with built-in & detailed help documents (they are webtemplates too).
Webquery Feature : With advanced "webquery" feature you can now add create dynamic webtemplates which include database query results. For instance you can easily add member count/post count/thread count/last 10 threads forum X etc. to your webtemplates with default webqueries that comes with installation or you can create your custom webqueries with basic SQL knowledge.
Archieve to Text File (NEW): Webtemplates/Webqueries can be downloaded to a text file with one click for archiving purposes. You can also easily share these text files with other hack users.
Login/Logout box (NEW): You can insert login/register box to your webtemplate if visitor is a guest and log off box if she is a member.
Admin Panel in Webtemplates (NEW): Your webtemplates can include an "admin panel" displayed to only admins and by using them you can access many details and stats of your page while you are browsing them.
Better Performance (NEW): Webtemplates 2.x structured so that it performs well even under heavy load conditions and high traffic servers. (See Performance issues below)
Easy Back up: Simply back up your database (inside vbulletin or externally) and all your webtemplate structure is also backed up automatically.
For screenshots, FAQ, performance issues, migration from old version to new version, see below.
If you use the hack, clicking here ( will make sure you'll know about updates&bug fixes. It will also help me understand how many people is using the hack so please click the install button ( if you use it. Thank you..
Version Updates:
30.July.2003 - > Version 2.03
* Adds feature to include regular vbtemplates into webtemplates
2.02 users: apply this fix ( to update.
New users: Get the hack from the first post of this thread (which is the latest version), you don't need to apply this update.
12.July.2003 - > Version 2.02
* Fixes a bug with outside variables.
2.01 users: apply this fix ( to update.
New users: Get the hack from the first post of this thread (which is the latest version), you don't need to apply this update.
2.July.2003 - > Version 2.01
* Fixes bug that bothers webqueries if "Show Template Name" option enabled in vb admin cp
* Fixes bug in webquery $WQ_mostactivemembers
* Fixes visual look of webtemplate test
* Fixes visual look of admin panel and makes sure it looks ok in dark backgrounded boards too.
2.00 users: update here (
New users: Get the hack from the first post of this thread (which is the latest version), you don't need to apply this update.
Webtemplates 3.x (for vb.3.x) is released here:
06-30-2003, 08:32 AM
Webtemplate FAQ:
* I still didn't understand what webtemplate is. Can you clarify more?
Webtemplate is a HTML (or php) page. It is different than your other HTML pages in that you can create them in your vbulletin admin cp and you can integrate them with your vbulletin like applying them vb permissions, styles etc. Now clear enough? :)
* Uh! this hack looks too complicated, I'm a newbie, can I use it?
This hack has powerful features. But it does not mean you have to learn and use all the features. If you are a newbie, you can be pretty happy with its primary feature: administering your webpages in your vb admin cp and apply vb permissions on them. For this you need no knowledge on anything. Simple copy /paste HTML code of your page, give it a name, enter user/usergroup ID who are banned from this page, click save and you have a webtemplate ready and published automatically.
* Is installation easy?
Yes, I believe so. Webtemplates is NOT an hack so you don't need to modify any vbulletin files to install webtemplates. So installation is easy.
However there is a long list of SQL queries to run and you will need PHPMYADMIN in your server to run them. Since query list is long, other SQL tools might have hard time to run them so PHPMYADMIN is needed. You can get it here for FREE:
* I'm afraid to run SQL queries in my database, what do you say?
Good call. However there is no other way to install such a sophisticated hack, sorry.
I can say one thing to releive you: Webtemplates installation does NOT modify or touch in any vbulletin tables in your database so it is safe. SQL queries needed to create webtemplate database tables and to insert default values in them (like default webtemplates) so that the script can work without bothering your vbulletin tables.
* Is Webtemplates a portal system?
No, not exactly. I would define a portal system as a content management system for especially targeting your site home page. I didn't hear a portal which does not replace your site home page. Webtemplates has similiar features like a portal, however it is not designed to replace your site home page. Webtemplates are your "other" site pages but site home.
* Can I use other portal/vbulletin integrated home page hacks with webtemplates?
Yes you can. Webtemplates neither substite/replace any of them, nor touch them. It is designed as a add-on application and can be installed to your system without your changing even a single vbulletin file so there is no possiblity that it will clash with an other hack including a portal/vb home page hack. Besides as webtemplates is not designed to be your site home page, you are welcomed to use any other site home page script while you use webtemplates.
* Can I use a webtemplate as my site home page?
It is not designed to act as a site home page. I don't use it as my site home page in my site either. However since the prior version, some hack users always insisted to use this hack as their site home page and they managed to do it too. Basically you can do it in 2 ways:
a) you can create a file named index.php and use this line in it:
<?php include (""); ?>
When you upload this file in your site home directory, your site home page will be a webtemplate.
b)You can edit your .htaccess file and make a redirection so that whenever your main page (=index.htm or index.html) is called, server opens your webtemplate. A sample redirection line is that:
Redirect /index.html
Please search keywords ".htaccess+redirect" in google for more info about .htaccess redirection
Although both methods are safe and effective, I neither encourage, nor support site main page webtemplates as the system is not designed this way in the first place.
* Does it work in vb.3.x?
No, not now. It is coded for vb 2.x.x. However it does not modify vbulletin scripts or vb database tables but it has its own tables, scripts so it can be (and will be) adapted to vb3 when time comes. But not soon.. I don't plan to migrate to vb3.x until it is stable and I won't recode it for vb.3 until I migrate to vb.3.
* Does it work in all 2.x.x?
Yes I would say. At least any vb version > 2.0.3.
Tested and approved in 2.2.6, 2.2.8, 2.3.0 too.
* Can webtemplates parse PHP code?
Yes, this version can. Besides you are given 2 grounds to run PHP:
a) You can make a webtemplate's marking as PHP and it will be treated as a PHP script.
b) Even if your parsing is HTML or TEXT, you can still have php incode in phpinclude section of the webtemplate which will run before webtemplate is displayed.
* Can I put view.php in a different directory?
Yes. With hacking it is possible but there are many sections to hack in the code, so not suggested or supported by me.
* Can webtemplates include other webtemplates in it?
a) Webtemplates can include header / footer webtemplates in them. So if you need to include webtemplate A, in webtemplate B, you can make A a header or footer.
b) New version supports "themes" which are webtemplates that includes other webtemplates in them. So you can make webtemplate B a theme to include webtemplate A in it.
c) Other than that webtemplates can not include other webtemplates in them, nor nests loops: (eg A includes B, B includes C etc.)
* I want display login box if visitor is a guest and log off link if visitor is a member, can I do it?
Yes, use variable $WT_Login in your webtemplate
* You say Webtemplates inherits visual look (colors/fonts) of our forum. This is good but I want to create a webtemplate with a different design, say red background color. Can I do it?
Yes. Simply create your HTML Code and paste it into webtemplate field and you have your red backgrounded page.
Your Webtemplates inherits your visual design when you use vbulletin HTML tags in your webtemplates. (like default vbulletin templates uses). For instance if you use
in your webtemplates your text "Hello" will be displayed in the default font (color, size, font name etc.) of your board. But if you use:
<font face="Times New Roman" color="#FF0000" size="4">Hello</font>
your webtemplates will display "Hello" in Times New Roman, RED color and size 4.
* I want to post smilies/bbcode/IMG tags to my webtemplate, can I?
Yes. Simply change your webtemplate parse method as TEXT. In TEXT parsing, webtemplates will display your bbcodes/smilies etc.
After that, if you want to have a page creation enviroment like thread posting (bbcode/smilie boxes are displayed in formation page), design your webtebtemplate in editor interface instead of admin interface.
* How do I backup my webtemplates?
1- While backing up your database in your admin cp, vbulletin will back up your webtemplate tables too.
2- You can download your webtemplates/webqueries in text files and save it for further use. You are welcomed to share them here with other hack users.
* I have more than 1 database. Can webqueries query my other databases?
No. They only query the database your vbulletin resides.
* Do webtemplates can be searched in Vbulletin search?
No. At least not for now.. (and with NO ETA)
* Does webtemplates has search engine friendly URLs?
No. At least not for now.. (and with NO ETA). However see here for a tip:
* How can I create a webquery that does X?
You are welcomed to ask these questions and I'm hoping that someone will help you with creating custom webtemplates/webqueries but please understand that I can not take time to answer all "how can I create such webquery" questions as there are infinite SQL queries that can be requested. Thanks for understanding..
* Can I add a poll into a webtemplate?
Manually yes.. Simply copy paste its HTML code. Automatically no.
* Can I use this as a news page by retriving last X posts from forum Y?
No because of technical restrictions. There is no magic query that gets last 10 threads with their content from a certain board because this would require 2 SQL queries to run. So say you can get last X thread titles/authors/dates etc. in a webtemplate but not the posts itself.
* How can I enable Microstats hack in webtemplates?
If you already have the hack installed, add its tag {getmicrostats} to your webtemplates (preferrably your footer templates.
* Why is this new version in a seperate thread?
Althought this is the new version of already released webtemplates, they are not fully compatible. Besides they can run in the same board at the same time or individually so they are seperate hacks with different features, despite the fact that they have the same name. It would be impossible to support both hacks in the same thread so this one has its own thread.
* How can I use editors feature effectively?
You can assign Editors to your webtemplates who can edit them by using their own editor interface.
If your editors know HTML, that is ok, then you can assign them to any webtemplate you like even the ones with HTML parsing.
However in most cases your site helpers will not know HTML to customize your HTML templates. If this is the case, you can follow this strategy:
1- Create a theme (with HTML parsing) and design it yourself with HTML.
2- Create child webtemplates that uses this theme. Make sure child webtemplates has TEXT parsing (not HTML).
3- Assign your editors to these child webtemplates. Since they are in TEXT parsing, your editors interface will now include smilie box, BBCode box and will look like exactly thread posting interface. They can then design the webtemplate with BBCode, smilies, IMG tags just like they are posting a new thread and without any need to use HTML commands.
06-30-2003, 08:33 AM
New version is coded from the ground to perform "very well" even under heavy load. Bottlenecks of the old version has been cured and although new version has many new and advanced features, it performs much better (upto 2-3 times faster) compared to the old version.
A webtemplate has an average of 12-18 queries per page. How many query you will depends on which features you enabled for that webtemplate and how many webqueries you use in it. However averagely a webtemplate will have around half the queries your default vbulletin thread display page has, so server performance is better even compared to default vbulletin thread display pages. In other words your visitors will be using more server power when they read a vbulletin thread in your site, than they are reading a webtemplate.
However always bear in mind that webtemplates, vbulletin itself, or any other dynamic PHP pages which make connection to MYSQL database can never be as "performance friendly" as static HTML pages. Static HTML pages is not dynamic (so does not change according to different conditions etc.) but much less server intensive. So especially in heavy loaded servers and for heavy traffic pages, you may want to use default static .html pages especially if you are not after having a dynamic content in them.
But if you are ready to use a dynamic script/structure/software/solution then webtemplates is NOT a performance killer, you can enjoy this hack.
If you use it under heavy traffic conditions, there are many performance tips included in the help document webtemplate, I advice you to check it out.
Webtemplates is also 100% compatible with Teck's Microstats hack so you can monitor webtemplate page creation time, thus performance if you are using Microstats hack in your board. Just add {getmicrostats} into your footer webtemplates to display them in your all webtemplates.
06-30-2003, 08:33 AM
If you are already a webtemplates user, you are welcomed to use this new version which is more powerful than the old one.
First a few words about compatibility issues:
The hack is recoded from the ground and its technical structure changed dramatically. This is done to add some more features and to improve some bottlenecks the old script had. As a result of this, new version is not fully compatible with the old version. You will notice that many structures have changes so you need to manually move your existing webtemplates to the new version and modify them slightly too.
* If you are using conditionals in your webtemplates, you can leave them as they are. New version supports them fully.
* Same applies to variable names like $user_username etc.
* How you ban/restrict a webtemplate to a usergroup has changed. New system does not use [cansee] [cantsee] tags anymore for performance reasons so you need to delete them from your webtemplates while migrating. Instead you can now set permissions in a seperate field.
* Webquery issues changed too. [templatequeryon] tag is no more supported. You now enter webqueries your webtemplate is using in a special field. (For better performance).
* Webquery structure changed dramatically so you may need to recreate your existing webqueries. I don't think you have many so no big deal I guess. See webquery help file that comes with installation.
Some notes for migration:
* Both versions can be installed in your board at the same time and they will work without bothering eachother. They have their seperate database tables as well. So install the new one, then copy/paste old webtemplates in your new system. (Don't forget to tweak them as mentioned above). This applies only if you are using the old version you downloaded from thread. There are a very few members who got the old hack directly from me via email as "BETA" and that version can not be installed with this new one at the same time.
* There is no migration script, sorry! You need to do it manually by copy/pasting.
* After you migrated and make sure new webtemplates are working ok, you can remove the old hack from your system. To do it reverse the added code from your scripts and delete the tables named "webtemplates" and "webtemplatequery" from your database. They are no more needed.
Migration Plan:
1- Install new version. This will not bother your old version so you can use both together.
2- Check it is working ok, read its help files and get acquiented with it.
3- If you have webqueries, create them from the ground in the new system
4- Create webtemplates in the new system with the same names that exist in your old system.
5- Copy/Paste their content from the old system to the new system.
6- While pasting, if webtemplate has a [cansee] [cantsee] tag inside, delete it and apply its permission in the new permissions section of the new version.
7- If webtemplate has [templatequeryon] tag in it, delete it and instead enter the webqueries it is using in the webquery section of the new version.
8- Test if your new webtemplates are working ok.
9- Remember to change links to your webtemplates from ".../show.php?pg=name" to ".../view.php?pg=name". (If you want you can rename file view.php as show.php, but in this case remember to edit file "wt_options.php" and tweak the option there.)
10- You are done, enjoy..
06-30-2003, 08:37 AM
Screenshot 1:
Create a new Webtemplate Page:
06-30-2003, 08:38 AM
Screenshot 2:
Webtemplates admin cp:
06-30-2003, 08:42 AM
Screenshot 3:
A Sample Webtemplate (Please notice: Webtemplates are HTML pages so you can design any page in any look you like, so this is just a sample not a mandatory design)
06-30-2003, 09:01 AM
Wow, Logician it's cool man.
I use your WT for a long time...and this version looks like what I need..
06-30-2003, 09:03 AM
Wow, Logician it's cool man.
I use your WT for a long time...and this version looks like what I need..
but can I use it with vb3.x?
I plan to switch to the new version and I afraid, that your very cool WT dont work with version 3.x?
Plan you a release for the vb 3.x?
I dont need VBCMS, when you release your system for vb3.
Have a nice work and day... :squareeyed:
Dean C
06-30-2003, 10:49 AM
Another amazing hack by Logician :)
I'm lost for words ... ;)
- miSt
06-30-2003, 11:01 AM
this is really nice m8, great work Logician! ;)
great work!
very useful and nice, i click install now!
06-30-2003, 11:58 AM
Logician - fantastic work! I'll install this tonight. Just one quick question - how does this differ from the HTML / JAVA / TXT ( hack as a whole apart from you can obviously include queries in yours amongst the other new features. The reason I ask is because I'm using that at the moment. As far as I can see yours does exactly what this does but also so much more.
Superb instructions and FAQ's also - you anticipated pretty much everything ;).
Wildthinks - Logician mentions in his FAQ's above that this cannot be used with vB3.
* Does it work in vb.3.x?
No, not now. It is coded for vb 2.x.x. However it does not modify vbulletin scripts or vb database tables but it has its own tables, scripts so it can be (and will be) adapted to vb3 when time comes. But not soon.. I don't plan to migrate to vb3.x until it is stable and I won't recode it for vb.3 until I migrate to vb.3.
06-30-2003, 12:14 PM
Thanks for the update I have been a user since the first version.
I think I will wait to install with vb3 gold.
06-30-2003, 12:45 PM
irn-bru - you'll have to wait longer than when vB3 goes gold as Logician says this doesn't work with vB3 yet :).
06-30-2003, 12:49 PM
Great work as always. :D
Chazz Layne
06-30-2003, 01:12 PM
Wow, the last one was great... I can't wait to get this one up. I'll be installing tonight. :D
* Chazz Layne clicks install.
06-30-2003, 01:19 PM
Today at 03:58 PM Intex said this in Post #13 (
Logician - fantastic work! I'll install this tonight. Just one quick question - how does this differ from the HTML / JAVA / TXT ( hack as a whole apart from you can obviously include queries in yours amongst the other new features. The reason I ask is because I'm using that at the moment. As far as I can see yours does exactly what this does but also so much more.
I'll repeat what Erwin told in his hack's thread:
I didn't use HTML / JAVA / TXT hack so don't know how exactly it works. ;)
This hack is designed as a vb integrated content management system and a new version of my first webtemplate hack which has been first released at 22-March-2002. So webtemplates hack is not been inspired by any other hacks that is released after that date and afaik it is one of the first vb content management systems for vbulletin.
However it is not the only content management hacks around and there are other good hacks from good hack authors (like Erwin's hack). Honestly I don't know them much. Some can be better for some users depending on the features users are looking for so your best bet is to check their features list and decide which one is better for your needs. :)
Wildthinks- Logician mentions in his FAQ's above that this cannot be used with vB3.
As mentioned in the FAQ, this is NOT compatible with VB3.
I waited more than 6 months to recode this hack as I thought VB3 is coming at any time but it didn't show up for more than 6 long months and I decided not to wait any more and coded this new version. 1 week before I finish coding, VB3 BETA is released. :tired: So it is just bad luck, sorry!
I don't plan to migrate my board to VB3 soon. I will wait for a stable release. In my eyes, "stable release" is not necessarily mean a "non-beta" release. I will label a VB3 release as stable when another new version for bug fixing is not considered for quite sometime after its release.
I don't plan to recode this sophisticated hack for VB3 until I migrate my own board to vb3 so there is no ETA for VB3 release.
But to releive you I can say this much: This hack is coded as an add-on (it does not depend on hacking of existing files), it does not modify any vbulletin tables and store its data in its own tables so:
1- A version for VB3 will be coded. This is not a hard to upgrade hack.
2- It is likely that you won't need any modifications in your "webtemplates" when you upgrade to webtemplates's VB3 version so there won't be a migration issue for your webtemplates you created now. (I can not guarantee this, but it likely to happen so.)
06-30-2003, 02:36 PM
This is brilliantly done, Logician. I am in awe of your work, as usual.
06-30-2003, 02:37 PM
Wow nice hack, good work Logician.
06-30-2003, 03:35 PM
You are my hero Logican LOL :) thanks! I hope it'll be updated for vB3
06-30-2003, 03:51 PM
Today at 02:45 PM Intex said this in Post #15 (
irn-bru - you'll have to wait longer than when vB3 goes gold as Logician says this doesn't work with vB3 yet :).
Yeah thx its noted.
06-30-2003, 06:49 PM
Logician - Your hacks are always top notch...Good Work!
06-30-2003, 06:49 PM
just found a small typo in the instructions
You can now access your webtemplates admin cp here:
should be
You can now access your webtemplates admin cp here:
06-30-2003, 07:25 PM
great hack Logician :)
06-30-2003, 08:16 PM
Yesterday at 10:49 PM 7thgenCivic.Com said this in Post #24 (
just found a small typo in the instructions
fixed.. thanks!
06-30-2003, 08:25 PM
OK, I've installed the hack. Templates created and the SQL queries had run successfully:
Your SQL-query has been executed successfully :
The content of your file has been inserted. (23 Instructions)
After installation I run the http://mysite/forum/admin/webtemplate.php and this works fine and displays the admin panel. Then I run into some different problems:
Your Custom Pages
Selecting 'Visit' for the 'Test' page produces the following error which is duplicated what looks like hundreds of times down the page:
SELECT count(*) as count FROM user mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ' SELECT count(*) as count FROM user
Default WebTemplates
Selecting 'visit' for the 'invalid_pg' page displays but all the images do not relate to the right style, despite all the correct templates being in the correct style. The colours however for the style are correct (background etc.).
Selecting 'visit' for the 'phptest [Private]' page produces the following error
Warning: Wrong datatype for second argument in call to in_array in c:\program files\apache group\apache\htdocs\forum\view.php on line 93
Selecting 'visit' for the 'priv_privatemessages [Private] [Draft]' page produces the following error:
SELECT dateline,privatemessageid, fromuserid, touserid, title, message, touser.username
AS tousername, fromuser.username AS fromusername FROM privatemessage LEFT JOIN user AS touser ON
(touser.userid=privatemessage.touserid) LEFT JOIN user AS fromuser ON (fromuser.userid=privatemessage.fromuserid)
WHERE folderid='0' ORDER BY privatemessageid DESC LIMIT 30 mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ' SELECT
dateline,privatemessagei' at line 1 mysql error number: 1064 Date: Monday 30th of June 2003 10:19:29 PM Script: Referer: -->
Note the double 'forum' path as highlighted in yellow above.
Selecting 'visit' for the 'webqueryhelp [Draft]' page displays everything perfectly including my style header and footer.
Selecting 'visit' for the 'webtemplateshelp [Draft]' page displays everything perfectly including my style header and footer.
Selecting 'visit' for the 'webtemplates_variables [Draft]' page displays everything perfectly including my style header and footer.
It looks likes there is a problem with whenever it wants to access database information as the other pages are just general pages and don't have any queries.
The double forum/forum path is weird for starters and the one issue with display the incorrect footer / header for one of the pages (could this be using the footer and header in your templates that I see on the Admin page?).
Anyway, any ideas :).
06-30-2003, 08:50 PM
Today at 12:25 AM Intex said this in Post #27 (
[list=1] Selecting 'visit' for the 'invalid_pg' page displays but all the images do not relate to the right style, despite all the correct templates being in the correct style. The colours however for the style are correct (background etc.).
This should be because invalid_pg is using a different header/footer. Edit it and change it to your default forum header and footer and it should ok..
Note the double 'forum' path as highlighted in yellow above.
This is not related to the hack, this is default vbulletin error reporting behaviour. You'll see the same URL in all DB errors.
It looks likes there is a problem with whenever it wants to access database information as the other pages are just general pages and don't have any queries.
I see..
It seems that while you are running the SQL queries, for some reason, default webqueries is not created ok. It can be an issue with phpmyadmin's inserting or escaping \ chars into the queries so bothering the webqueries.
Let's try this: Delete all webqueries in the webquery admin cp, then manually create them according to the attached file.I believe this should fix the problem.
Let me know how it went. Thx..
06-30-2003, 10:42 PM
First off cool hack, easy to install!
**I have to ask because I did'nt read it anywheres, I know the links are not "search engine" freindly but *can* these pages somehow be searched within VB??
07-01-2003, 04:09 AM
Today at 02:42 AM alesis404 said this in Post #29 (
First off cool hack, easy to install!
**I have to ask because I did'nt read it anywheres, I know the links are not "search engine" freindly but *can* these pages somehow be searched within VB??
* Do webtemplates can be searched in Vbulletin search?
No. At least not for now.. (and with NO ETA)
07-01-2003, 05:09 AM
Whoa, this looks incredible. I'll await the vB3 version, and then mess around with it on my localhost for testing. ;)
07-01-2003, 05:14 AM
Even without the search feature this thing rocks and few hours playing you can do some very cool things!!
Using a php include I grab a html page that is uploaded to my server by a program called sMonitor, I was able to edit the sMonitor page so it blends right into my page with other stuff...very cool and might I add..dynamic!
07-01-2003, 06:13 AM
Logician - I've recreated the webqueries as you suggested (even though they all looked like they were there anyway) and I still have the problem.
When visiting the test page I get the following error:
SELECT threadid, title, postusername,postuserid,dateline FROM thread WHERE sticky=0 AND visible=1 AND forumid=2 ORDER BY
dateline DESC LIMIT 10 mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ' SELECT threadid, title,
postusername,postuserid' at line 1 mysql error number: 1064 Date: Tuesday 01st of July 2003 08:13:06 AM Script: Referer: -->
When visiting the phptest [private] page I get:
Warning: Wrong datatype for second argument in call to in_array in c:\program files\apache group\apache\htdocs\forum\view.php on line 93
Warning: Wrong datatype for second argument in call to in_array in c:\program files\apache group\apache\htdocs\forum\view.php on line 93
Warning: Wrong datatype for second argument in call to in_array in c:\program files\apache group\apache\htdocs\forum\view.php on line 93
etc. etc.
and when visiting priv_privatemessages [Private] [Draft] I get:
SELECT dateline,privatemessageid, fromuserid, touserid, title, message, touser.username AS tousername, fromuser.username
AS fromusername FROM privatemessage LEFT JOIN user AS touser ON (touser.userid=privatemessage.touserid) LEFT JOIN
user AS fromuser ON (fromuser.userid=privatemessage.fromuserid) WHERE folderid='0'
ORDER BY privatemessageid DESC LIMIT 30 mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax near ' SELECT
dateline,privatemessagei' at line 1 mysql error number: 1064 Date: Tuesday 01st of July 2003 08:16:04 AM Script: Referer: -->
Your other version of the hack works fine btw. although I know these run independently.
07-01-2003, 07:23 AM
Logician - I've recreated the webqueries as you suggested (even though they all looked like they were there anyway) and I still have the problem.
When visiting the test page I get the following error:
Thx for trying..
I'm not sure why this problem occurs in your server. I thought it was related to wrong entries in the webquery table but considering the fact that you created them manually now and still problem is there, this does not look like the culprit now.
I installed this hack in different servers with different configurations and vb versions, but never run into such a problem.
The weird thing is, you are having "SQL syntax error" in your webqueries however the query in the error log seems just fine.
For instance your error logs indicates an SQL syntax error in query:
SELECT threadid, title, postusername,postuserid,dateline FROM thread WHERE sticky=0 AND visible=1 AND forumid=2 ORDER BY
dateline DESC LIMIT 10
But this is a perfectly ok query and you'll see that it will run ok, if for instance you run it in your phpmyadmin.
Since I can not confirm the problem in my localhost, I'm not sure how I can help you.
If you want to give it a secondshot, I'd say, delete (drop) all hack tables (wt2_templates,wt2_queries,wt2_themes,wt2_visitlog s) and recreate them (you don't need to redo other installation steps).
If this does not help, I would need admin CP/FTP/phpmyadmin access to server that is producing the error to track the problem, if you want it fixed.
07-01-2003, 07:55 AM
Logician - thx for your time. I'll try dropping the tables first and then if that doesn't work I can setup access for you. Do you have ICQ / Messenger etc so we can work through it?
PM me your details if you don't want any info here.
07-01-2003, 07:56 PM
Yesterday at 01:49 PM Mist said this in Post #10 (
Another amazing hack by Logician :)
I'm lost for words ... ;)
- miSt
I agree with you there mist,
very very nice work !!
I'll be giving this a workout over the holiday weekend, thanks
07-01-2003, 10:42 PM
Great work, updated from 0.1 in a snap.
* reismarktq2 clicks install. :)
07-02-2003, 02:06 AM
Is there a way to add another feature where the script links to the templates we create on an index page so I can use it for Book reviews and news sections? Any way to have it do it automatically and by category?
07-02-2003, 07:51 AM
Today at 06:06 AM AuthorZone.Com said this in Post #39 (
Is there a way to add another feature where the script links to the templates we create on an index page so I can use it for Book reviews and news sections? Any way to have it do it automatically and by category?
Sure why not..
You can create a webquery that gets webtemplate names from webtemplate category X and list them in an other webtemplate.
For instance this sample lists webtemplate names in category 1 (your custom pages) in an other webtemplate.
07-02-2003, 12:01 PM
2.July.2003 - > Version 2.1
Version History:
* Fixes bug that bothers webqueries if "Show Template Name" option enabled in vb admin cp
* Fixes bug in webquery $WQ_mostactivemembers
* Fixes visual look of webtemplate test
* Fixes visual look of admin panel and makes sure it looks ok in dark backgrounded boards too.
2.0 users: Use the attached document to upgrade to 2.1
New Users: Get the hack from the first post of this thread (which is the latest version), you don't need to apply this update.
07-02-2003, 12:45 PM
Logician - thx for all your testing today. That's certainly fixed my problems.
Fantastic job for such a cool hack !!! :).
* Intex cilcks install.
07-03-2003, 12:53 AM
Logician: I have had a request from one of my administrators for a feature that would allow us to set the style to be used with the templates regardless of which style the user has selected for his profile. This is because the pages we are converting into WebTemplates will not display aesthetically properly in certain existing styles, and it's too much work to convert the pages to display properly with all styles. I hope this isn't too difficult to pull off... can you help?
07-03-2003, 07:37 AM
Today at 04:53 AM reismarktq2 said this in Post #43 (
Logician: I have had a request from one of my administrators for a feature that would allow us to set the style to be used with the templates regardless of which style the user has selected for his profile. This is because the pages we are converting into WebTemplates will not display aesthetically properly in certain existing styles, and it's too much work to convert the pages to display properly with all styles. I hope this isn't too difficult to pull off... can you help?
If you want to force the webtemplate's look, why don't you depend on vb styles? Even if it is a style in your board you want to apply, just apply it via HTML. In other words instead of using:
<font face="Times New Roman" color="#FF0000" size="4">Hello</font>
So user's style will not matter.
It is not easy to force a vb style in webtemplates because style issue in vbulletin is not handled in the relevant .php file, but in global.php which runs before everything else. It runs before webtemplate's view.php script too, so webtemplates just gets the style id from it. To change this behaviour either webtemplate need to reform the style in view.php (which means additional queries in every webtemplates) or global.php should be hacked so that if requested script is view.php, style behavior will change.
Thus my suggestion seems the easiest solution.
07-03-2003, 01:56 PM
Logician - in version 1 of your hack you had a query that showed the person's last 10 threads they'd created. I tried creating a new query based on the old info, but didn't have much luck. Could you let me know how that is achieved?
It would be also nice if you or any others could share some of the queries for us newbies :D.
07-03-2003, 04:31 PM
On php 4.0.6 I had to change all instances of array_key_exists to key_exists.
07-03-2003, 05:07 PM
Today at 05:56 PM Intex said this in Post #45 (
Logician - in version 1 of your hack you had a query that showed the person's last 10 threads they'd created. I tried creating a new query based on the old info, but didn't have much luck. Could you let me know how that is achieved?
It would be also nice if you or any others could share some of the queries for us newbies :D.
07-03-2003, 06:05 PM
You're a star :). Thanks.
07-03-2003, 08:16 PM
Logician - Without wishing to monopolise your time :) - is there any way to show the friendly template name when display it on who's online rather than the template name?
BTW: this hack is amazing - I've converted shed loads of my pages over today. Can't understand why others aren't upgrading.
07-03-2003, 08:26 PM
Today at 12:16 AM Intex said this in Post #49 (
Logician - Without wishing to monopolise your time :) - is there any way to show the friendly template name when display it on who's online rather than the template name?
it would be better this way but structure is not designed this way as it requires additional queries in who is online.php.
Who is online page is getting "unfriendly" template name from the visitors url without quering the database however if we add friendly template name there, it needs to query webtemplate table for each webtemplate.
So not a performance friendly way.. :glasses:
07-04-2003, 07:30 AM
Ahh I see. The board I use has a very small amount of members (unlikely to rise above 50), so I wouldn't be too concerned about the number of queries on that pages to be honest, particularly when max. usage there are 11 people online.
If this is possible and simple, could you show me. If its a big job don't worry - I'm grateful for the time you've spent so far :).
07-04-2003, 08:44 AM
Today at 11:30 AM Intex said this in Post #51 (
Ahh I see. The board I use has a very small amount of members (unlikely to rise above 50), so I wouldn't be too concerned about the number of queries on that pages to be honest, particularly when max. usage there are 11 people online.
If this is possible and simple, could you show me. If its a big job don't worry - I'm grateful for the time you've spent so far :).
Edit online.php, find:
// Logician WebTemplates v.2 Hack
global $WT_Option_NameOFviewphp;
// Logician WebTemplates v.2 Hack
Replace it as:
// Logician WebTemplates v.2 Hack
global $WT_Option_NameOFviewphp,$DB_site,$WT_DB_TemplateT able;
// Logician WebTemplates v.2 Hack
$userinfo[where]= 'Reading <b>WebTemplate:</b> <a href="'.$WT_Option_NameOFviewphp.'?pg='.$lmatch.'&s='.$session['sessionhash'].'" target="_blank">'.$lmatch.'</a>';
Replace as:
$friendlyname = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT userfriendlyname FROM $WT_DB_TemplateTable WHERE title='".addslashes($lmatch)."'");
if (!$friendlyname[userfriendlyname]) {$friendlyname[userfriendlyname]=$lmatch;}
$userinfo[where]= 'Reading <b>WebTemplate:</b> <a href="'.$WT_Option_NameOFviewphp.'?pg='.$lmatch.'&s='.$session['sessionhash'].'" target="_blank">'.$friendlyname[userfriendlyname].'</a>';
07-04-2003, 09:25 AM
Logician - you're some sort of superstar !! Thx. a lot :cool:.
Bad Bunny
07-04-2003, 02:27 PM
Looks interesting to say the least.
07-05-2003, 10:48 AM
WOW! Awesome job....
07-09-2003, 10:10 PM
And now this new version. This is awesome. Keep up the good work, and thanks for the hack.
One question that you might be able to answer that I have yet to get an answer for.
I operate an outdoor website and want to build pages with information about specific lakes. For each of these lakes, I have a Forum. Example: Fishing Reports is parent, Kentucky Lakes is a sub parent and Laurel Lake is the forum. What I want to do is make the Laurel Lake thread appear on the Laurel Lake information page. The thread is intended to have fishing reports on it from users, the other information would be local weather, lake levels, marina and attraction info. Is there a way to do this? I've been told once that it would require another complete board, but that's not the aim here. The aim is to keep the same bunch of users, just add more information to their surf in.
07-10-2003, 12:20 AM
hi Logician...just using the's are the best...but I have a problem displaying the last 10 thread on my site. can you take a look at ? The last 10 threds table is on bottom of the page. Please let me know what is wrong with it. Thanks. Clicking install now. ;)
07-10-2003, 12:41 AM
all works now...i just delete the forumid condition.
07-10-2003, 04:07 AM
Alright, I got this hack working out of the default vBulletin directory and with the Online Locations hack.
Would it be safe to say that Webtemplates v.1 no longer needs to be used? I never really got around to do anything with it but should I just remove it?
07-10-2003, 05:08 AM
Something I noticed when editing pages threw the edit page option.
It doesn't use {doctype}, it actually executes that peice of code and prints it out as "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">".
That could cause big problems if it does the same stuff for (firstaltcolor} type replacements.
07-10-2003, 02:49 PM
What do I edit to change the color of the font on that last row under the article where it says:
Page Visitors: 0, Last Visitor was blah at 07-10-2003 - 11:47 AM. [Edit This Page]
Page Created at 10-07-2003 - 01:25 AM, Last Modified : 10-07-2003 - 11:45 AM.
07-11-2003, 06:24 AM
Yesterday at 08:07 AM K33nny said this in Post #59 (
Would it be safe to say that Webtemplates v.1 no longer needs to be used? I never really got around to do anything with it but should I just remove it?
Yes safe to remove version v0.1
07-11-2003, 06:25 AM
Yesterday at 06:49 PM limey said this in Post #61 (
What do I edit to change the color of the font on that last row under the article where it says:
it is inside the webtemplate code
07-11-2003, 03:32 PM
Logician...I concur with the others, this is very cool. The only thing not working on my board is outside variables. I define them to the page (without $ and with spaces), access the template via an HTTP Post operation and cannot display the $variable. Everything else works as it should. What am I not understanding here?
Example: variable name defined to template: cnumber
Use: You've entered your $cnumber ...
What I get: You've entered your ...
07-12-2003, 07:02 AM
Yesterday at 07:32 PM robbyt said this in Post #64 (
Logician...I concur with the others, this is very cool. The only thing not working on my board is outside variables. I define them to the page (without $ and with spaces), access the template via an HTTP Post operation and cannot display the $variable. Everything else works as it should. What am I not understanding here?
Example: variable name defined to template: cnumber
Use: You've entered your $cnumber ...
What I get: You've entered your ...
You are right. There is a small bug in the code and here is the fix:
Edit view.php, find:
Replace it as:
This should fix your problem. :)
07-13-2003, 04:29 AM
my $nowbrowsing variable does not work. I am using HTML Parsing and I have selected the option on the template to "Display Webtemplate browsers."
07-13-2003, 08:37 AM
Brahm - Things to check are:
Make sure you're this is being tested when you're not invisible if its not an admin accuont
Once you're on that page, I've found that sometime you need to refresh it again to see it
Make sure that you're using the variable for displaying who's browsing in whatever template you're using
Hopefully one of those should sort it :).
07-13-2003, 10:14 AM
Today at 08:29 AM Brahm said this in Post #66 (
my $nowbrowsing variable does not work. I am using HTML Parsing and I have selected the option on the template to "Display Webtemplate browsers."
Yes what Intex mentioned should help.. :)
If not, please let us know the webtemplate URL you are having problems.
07-13-2003, 08:02 PM
Hi Logician,
I wonder if you can add additional features in the hack that allows the moderators of the forum to update a specific webtemplate page in the control panel without dealing with the HTML stuff? The point is to have input boxes in the moderator CP, and each input box deals with the input of each column of a table. My webtemplate deals with a table..and I would like my mods to update a specific column for each row..can that be achieved? Hope you can help.
07-13-2003, 08:48 PM
Today at 12:02 AM soccerclue said this in Post #69 (
Hi Logician,
I wonder if you can add additional features in the hack that allows the moderators of the forum to update a specific webtemplate page in the control panel without dealing with the HTML stuff? The point is to have input boxes in the moderator CP, and each input box deals with the input of each column of a table. My webtemplate deals with a table..and I would like my mods to update a specific column for each row..can that be achieved? Hope you can help.
If you make your webtemplate a theme and your table a child webtemplate that uses that theme, I don't think it is a big deal for your moderators to edit a HTML table's text fields in their editor interface, isn't it so?
If it is so, maybe you can set child webtemplate parsing as "TEXT" and let your mods use bbcode to edit this webtemplate. Well then you wont have a HTML table but I guess you can create a well looking chart with bbcode too.
07-13-2003, 11:16 PM
Hmm..I'm not really sure how to use theme and child webtemplate yet..I will read the user manual first and will ask you again if I have question...thanks a lot for the reply..if the hack even can support this...this is the best hack ever I installed...hope it can be integrated in vb3 also.
07-14-2003, 01:13 AM
Hi Logician,
I have read the the manual..and I still don't have any clue how to create it using bbcode. Can you give me some examples how to create bbcode chart instead of HTML table? And yes, it really matters since almost all the mods dont know anything about HTML. If they just can modify by TEXT, it would be great.
07-14-2003, 06:54 AM
Today at 05:13 AM soccerclue said this in Post #72 (
Hi Logician,
I have read the the manual..and I still don't have any clue how to create it using bbcode. Can you give me some examples how to create bbcode chart instead of HTML table? And yes, it really matters since almost all the mods dont know anything about HTML. If they just can modify by TEXT, it would be great.
I didn't say you can create a HTML table with BBcode. I meant you can have a good looking chart/listing with vb code with BOLD, colors/list command/smilies/custom bbcodes etc.
07-14-2003, 08:01 AM
Logician - genius!
07-14-2003, 11:01 AM
Yeah that's what I meant I can directly just put the vbcode/bbcode inside the input box of the webtemplates as long as the bbcode is declared? and what's the code for making a chart/table like?
07-14-2003, 12:05 PM
Thanks man. Everything works great now. Hey...I really like this! I can do lots of stuff with this...
07-14-2003, 04:28 PM
hi logician.. i used your Webtempltes Version 1 akready .. and could not use it cause all m PHP sites werent integrated.. my question is again:
Can i use this sites (self coded)
if yes i would be happy to use this :)
i read it can parse PHP code.. but does it can parse merged PHP/SQL/HTML code together?.. i did not code this site speratly..its all in one site :) (and one database table .. hrhr .. huh)
07-14-2003, 06:47 PM
can u use the pages outside of the vb directory ?
07-14-2003, 06:52 PM
corsacrazy - I guess that depends on what you mean. I believe Logician's design surrounds vB and allows you to control everything 'within' vB so you can admin it anywhere.
You can certainly include HTML, PHP, TXT etc. within the templates, so if you have something external to the forum, you would create a template and place that code within the custom template you've made. You then get all the headers and page hits and other superb admin capabilities.
Superb hack - install it NOW !!! :D.
07-15-2003, 01:22 AM
Today at 12:47 PM corsacrazy said this in Post #78 (
can u use the pages outside of the vb directory ?
Do you mean something like this?
07-15-2003, 04:24 AM
Hi there..that means i can parse a complete PHP/HTML site with this Webtemplates?
So an example here: <--this is self coded and merged HTML/PHP it is possible to parse all this code (47KB) ??
07-15-2003, 05:44 AM
Yesterday at 08:52 PM Intex said this in Post #79 (
corsacrazy - I guess that depends on what you mean. I believe Logician's design surrounds vB and allows you to control everything 'within' vB so you can admin it anywhere.
You can certainly include HTML, PHP, TXT etc. within the templates, so if you have something external to the forum, you would create a template and place that code within the custom template you've made. You then get all the headers and page hits and other superb admin capabilities.
Superb hack - install it NOW !!! :D.
well i basically wanted to run my entire site thru this hack BUT still include som vb functions ie the forum headers and footers members online and a welcome panel and maybe a few l8test threads. but it needs to be in the root directory cos i cant/dont want have a site all in the forums directory !
Today at 03:22 AM K33nny said this in Post #80 (
Do you mean something like this?
similar :D
07-15-2003, 07:17 AM
Today at 09:44 AM corsacrazy said this in Post #82 (
well i basically wanted to run my entire site thru this hack BUT still include som vb functions ie the forum headers and footers members online and a welcome panel and maybe a few l8test threads. but it needs to be in the root directory cos i cant/dont want have a site all in the forums directory !
As I mentioned in the FAQ:
This is possible but I dont support it, sorry. Because although it is no big deal to add a change directory command at the begining of view.php and change its locations, if you do that there might be a lots of sections in the hack code to change to fix smaller bugs that modification will produce.
For instance admin cp "view webtemplate" link will not work. Webtemplate Admin Panel links will be broken etc. There can be other bugs introduced after the change which I can not think at the moment either.
So if you dont mind such small bugs, only care that you put view.php to another directory and it displays webtemplates and take the risk of having some bugs, that is ok, you are welcome to do it with your own risk as K33nny did.
But if I support this modification, I will be then invited to fix the bugs that is introduced by this hack which may require working on the entire code from the start so this is why I neither support, nor encourage this change. ;)
K33nny is welcomed to share how he did it and you or any others are welcomed to apply his hack to change this behavior.
I'm sure you'll understand my point.
07-15-2003, 07:21 AM
Thanks alot for the explanation i will give it a go
07-15-2003, 07:13 PM
hi logician,
when i try to edit the page using TEXT format....I have problem to make more than one space character..when I try to make for example several space will just show one space character. Can you let me know how to manipulate using the keyboard space character for the space character instead of making nbsp;?
07-15-2003, 07:36 PM
Today at 11:13 PM soccerclue said this in Post #85 (
hi logician,
when i try to edit the page using TEXT format....I have problem to make more than one space character..when I try to make for example several space will just show one space character. Can you let me know how to manipulate using the keyboard space character for the space character instead of making nbsp;?
In text parsing webtemplate is parsed exactly in the same way a vbulletin post is parsed. And this restriction is inherited from vb post parsing. Test it and you'll see you can not add more than one consecutive space into vbulletin posts too.
07-15-2003, 07:37 PM
Yeah..that's the you have any idea how I can manipulate that? How come the board cannot allow multiple spaces?
07-15-2003, 09:05 PM
Just now find the general discussion of this hack..and saying that newer version supports the form processing? Is this the new version already? Does it mean we can use the form to send the data from user's input into our SQL with this hack?
07-15-2003, 09:47 PM
Today at 01:05 AM soccerclue said this in Post #88 (
Just now find the general discussion of this hack..and saying that newer version supports the form processing? Is this the new version already? Does it mean we can use the form to send the data from user's input into our SQL with this hack?
yes new version means ver 2.x
This supports form processing by accepting outside variables. You can then use this variables in your webtemplates or webqueries so yes technically you can use user input for SQL. Check webquery help file please, there are a lot of info there.
07-15-2003, 10:01 PM
Does that mean we can trace the variable's value from SQL table and also insert value to SQL table?
07-16-2003, 02:58 AM
Just what i wanted!
Using this as my homepage!
07-16-2003, 07:27 PM
Hi Logician,
I have problem with the editors of webtemplate page. I try to set the editors based on the userid and it cannot work. I just need to include the userid in the input box with paranthesis right? I don't know why it just displayed blank page. Do we need to modify the php file? But, I just want to set editor based on the userid, not usergroup one? Hope to hear from you again.
07-16-2003, 10:03 PM
check if you created templates correctly, with all template sets and with correct names (including caps)
07-16-2003, 11:42 PM
hi logician,
why when i open webtemplate.php i got this error above the login box:
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/asiangui/public_html/forum/wt_options.php:87) in /home/asiangui/public_html/forum/admin/functions.php on line 1652
07-16-2003, 11:53 PM
Maybe the problem is I am trying to set the admin as the editor again? I put the admin userid in the editor input box. How can I check myself then if the editor works or not if I were the admin then without asking the mods? However, I asked one of the mods to open the editor page and it cannot work also. I have checked the template name and it should be correct because I use $WT_Editor_link to open the editor and it just shows blank page.
07-17-2003, 12:40 AM
It seems that I still got the error after removing admin userid from the you know what's wrong?
07-17-2003, 07:04 AM
You made some errors while editing the file wt_options.php. I have an article about this error in hacking hints forum, read it and you'll understand how to fix it.
07-17-2003, 01:57 PM
All right I will read it now..Thanks...I will let you know if still got error.. :)
07-17-2003, 02:12 PM
Wow..really a great really works now..I got put several newline chars in the end of the file...
07-17-2003, 02:50 PM
Hi Logician,
I dont know why still got blank page when my mods try to click on the Edit this page link. He can see the link and when click just got blank page. Do we need to modify any files?
07-17-2003, 03:30 PM
Just found out the error..somehow the new templates all deleted..silly works great now..thanks a lot for the hack..really love this hack..
bravo Logicon this has gotta be one of the best hacks ever made this KicKS ASS!
/me hits install
Ninth Dimension
07-18-2003, 12:01 PM
wow, i'm impressed, fantastic hack, thank you for sharing
/me clicks install
07-20-2003, 05:57 PM
Logician - I have a page where I need to use the following code to refresh an image on a page automatically:
<meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="TRUE">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="imagetoolbar" CONTENT="no">
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function refre++++() {
if (!document.images) return;
document.images['myCam'].src = 'http://mysite/mypic.jpg?' + Math.random();
setTimeout('refre++++()',20000); // refresh every 20 secs
<body onLoad=" setTimeout('refre++++()',20000)">
<img border=2 src="http://mysite/mypic.jpg"
height="240" width="320" alt="Loading..." align="center">
Basically this refreshes the image on the page without refreshing the whole page. As you can see part of it is between the <head> tags. I've tried creating a page, but it doesn't refresh. The code by itself on a normal html page outside the forum works fine.
Any ideas how I might be able to achive this?
07-20-2003, 05:58 PM
Logician - I have a page where I need to use the following code to refresh an image on a page automatically:
<meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="TRUE">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="imagetoolbar" CONTENT="no">
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function refre++++() {
if (!document.images) return;
document.images['myCam'].src = 'http://mysite/mypic.jpg?' + Math.random();
setTimeout('refre++++()',20000); // refresh every 20 secs
<body onLoad=" setTimeout('refre++++()',20000)">
<img border=2 src="http://mysite/mypic.jpg"
height="240" width="320" alt="Loading..." align="center">
Basically this refreshes the image on the page without refreshing the whole page. As you can see part of it is between the <head> tags. I've tried creating a page, but it doesn't refresh. The code by itself on a normal html page outside the forum works fine.
Any ideas how I might be able to achive this?
07-20-2003, 05:58 PM
Logician - I have a page where I need to use the following code to refresh an image on a page automatically:
<meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="TRUE">
<META HTTP-EQUIV="imagetoolbar" CONTENT="no">
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
function refre++++() {
if (!document.images) return;
document.images['myCam'].src = 'http://mysite/mypic.jpg?' + Math.random();
setTimeout('refre++++()',20000); // refresh every 20 secs
<body onLoad=" setTimeout('refre++++()',20000)">
<img border=2 src="http://mysite/mypic.jpg"
height="240" width="320" alt="Loading..." align="center">
Basically this refreshes the image on the page without refreshing the whole page. As you can see part of it is between the <head> tags. I've tried creating a page, but it doesn't refresh. The code by itself on a normal html page outside the forum works fine.
Any ideas how I might be able to achive this?
07-20-2003, 08:27 PM
Amazing hack!
Exactly what I needed. Thanks. :)
07-21-2003, 04:10 AM
This is awesome. Something I've been looking for for a long time. I've got it up on my site where my VB is at and plan to switch all the regular HTML pages to webtemplates.
Just out of curiousity do you know of a system similar to this that doesn't use a vbulletin database? I have a couple other personal sites where I'd love to add, edit and delete pages via templates from an adminCP (not to mention and awesome theme system like you have. Very simple to use and works well). But have no need for a forum on those sites or the price that goes with it.
I know moveabletpe is similar but it's cgi and I have no need for a weblog. Just a simple way to manage webpages online and change a general theme on them all quickly.
07-21-2003, 10:02 AM
Today at 08:10 AM roxics said this in Post #108 (
Just out of curiousity do you know of a system similar to this that doesn't use a vbulletin database?
Frankly I don't know portal systems very well, nor like them much. I prefer to write my own system when a need arises so I'm not familiar with them (neither vb integrated, nor self-independent). So I cant help you with your question but I'm sure there must be some kind of PHP based portal systems around which would let you create pages within an admin cp and does not depend to vb.
07-21-2003, 03:52 PM
I really love this hack and I already have so many great ideas how I could use it to increase interaction between my main page and forums but I have one big cookie-related problem.
Everything is fine when i call the board cookie through the view.php?pg=template file but as soon as I put the view.php?pg=template into an include file or include view.php itself into my mainpage i´m logged out on the main page. And there seems to be nothing I can do about it.
I already tried this:
- i changed my settings to "accept cookies", logged out, erased all cookies in IE and then returned and logged in
- i already changed the cookie host domain to: like suggested in the admin CP
It seems as if as soon the template file is put into another file and included there the cookies seem to get lost.
Any idea how I could solve this? I read something about removing sessionhash completely but I wonder if that wouldn´t make the Who´s online useless.
I hope that you have an idea how to work around this problem. Maybe I can put a line in my include file header or into the header of the page I want to include into that reads out the cookies from the board.
07-21-2003, 04:47 PM
These are the problems I was mentioning when I say I don't suggest to use the hack as a main page or outside its default location. :)
Sorry I don't have any idea how you can manage your goal.
07-21-2003, 05:32 PM
Hey thx for the reply.
Hmm I´m wondering if a special global.php file that you would put in your web site root wouldn´t do the job.
Could I anybody try to code something like this? When I see php code I know more or less what it does and mean but i´m definately not able to do this on my own.
I think if it worked it´d be worth the effort.
07-24-2003, 04:02 PM
Crap :(
I installed VB 2.3.0 and this broke WebTemplates which I knew was gonna happen. So as I was on the old version, I went to install this one.
I can't run the SQL queries in the file, I keep getter errors. phpMyAdmin just reports SQL Error. However a small script called MySql Table Manager reports:
You have an error in your SQL syntax near '; INSERT INTO `wt2_themes` (`themeid`, `themename`, `themesortorder`, `themeban' at line 1 Number of Rows affected: -1
Any ideas?
07-24-2003, 05:52 PM
Today at 08:02 PM JohnXWA said this in Post #113 (
Crap :(
I installed VB 2.3.0 and this broke WebTemplates which I knew was gonna happen. So as I was on the old version, I went to install this one.
I can't run the SQL queries in the file, I keep getter errors. phpMyAdmin just reports SQL Error. However a small script called MySql Table Manager reports:
You have an error in your SQL syntax near '; INSERT INTO `wt2_themes` (`themeid`, `themename`, `themesortorder`, `themeban' at line 1 Number of Rows affected: -1
Any ideas?
I can not say whether or not you can run the queries with other tools but I know that phpmyadmin runs them successfuly. As a matter of fact that query list is compiled with phpmyadmin in the first place so it will run them successfully too.
So my suggestion will be:
1- If your phpmyadmin is an old version, upgrade to the last version first.
2- Make sure you have permissions to run INSERT/UPDATE queries in MYSQL via phpmyadmin (check with your host) and confirm with by running a test INSERT/UPDATE query.
3- Then run the queries in phpmyadmin.
There are 2 ways of running it both of which are mentioned in the instructions. Although I confirmed that both works, try the other one if one fails for you.
If this still fails, I would suspect your PHP.ini or MYSQL configuration is not allowing you to send large number of texts to the server and if this is the case, you might try to run the queries in the query list in smaller groups. Or send the list to your host and they can run for you.
07-24-2003, 08:14 PM
The create table queries worked fine, but it was the Insert queries that were messing up the works. So I added each Inset a line at a time and it worked fine in the end.
I know it's not really for use as a sites only content system, but i'm using it that way and it's working perfectly. Great work and I look foward to the VB3 version :) Maybe with VB style WYSIWYG editor (Just a thought)
Is it possible to place Who's Online on a webtemplates page?
07-27-2003, 07:07 PM
Hi Logician,
Just installed the hack,
Your instructions were sharp! :cheeky:
Now i just have to make sure i can utlise it properly!
Thanks.......clicks install!!!
07-29-2003, 11:46 AM
j e b u s h c h r y s l e r.
Now thats a hack! *installed*.
07-30-2003, 02:33 PM
New Version 2.03
Added Feature: You can now pull any regular vbulletin template into your webtemplates (See screenshot below)
07-30-2003, 02:34 PM
Screenshot of added feature in 2.03
Fantastic! you have just saved me some more work!
Thanks Logician!
nice addition in the latest release!
Hi Logician,
I ran the query for the 2.03 upgrade, but got the follwing error.
Database glo_vb - Table wt2_visitlogs running on localhost
SQL-query :
ALTER TABLE `wt2_templates` ADD `vbtemplates` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL
MySQL said:
Duplicate column name 'vbtemplates'
However, i cant see that the table vbtemplates at all!
07-31-2003, 12:21 PM
Today at 04:04 PM glo said this in Post #123 (
Hi Logician,
I ran the query for the 2.03 upgrade, but got the follwing error.
Database glo_vb - Table wt2_visitlogs running on localhost
SQL-query :
ALTER TABLE `wt2_templates` ADD `vbtemplates` MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL
MySQL said:
Duplicate column name 'vbtemplates'
However, i cant see that the table vbtemplates at all!
it seems that you run the query twice.
"vbtemplates" is not a new table, it is a column in wt2_templates table so check there. According to your error message it should be already there.
Hi Logician,
I ran the query the first time, and received a page cannot be displayed error.
So i ran the query again.
Itsalready there, have i done any damage running it twice?
07-31-2003, 12:45 PM
Today at 04:25 PM glo said this in Post #125 (
Hi Logician,
I ran the query the first time, and received a page cannot be displayed error.
So i ran the query again.
Itsalready there, have i done any damage running it twice?
nope.. go ahead and replace your files and you are set..
Hi Logician!
You are a legend! this hack is magical! and i am only finished installing all the extra options! :knockedout:
Cant wait to utilise it to its full potential! :rambo:
However, i do have a very minor question! when i am in the edit section of the Webtemplates Header/Footer default_header_footer, the preview button does not seem to work? And on the bottom of the frame it says "Error on Page"
Seems to work fine when creating my own template?
I cant think of why? I have checked all the notes!
08-01-2003, 11:09 AM
I just moved my vbulletin files from one URL to another. the database stil remains at the old URL. The rest of the baord seems to work fine. Webtemplates also seems to work fine when editing. However clicking the "Visit" linknext to a web template in teh admin CP I notice it goes to the old URL. Why is that? Can I change that somewhere? Or is it in the database?
Roxis, change your config file to the new sql location!
08-01-2003, 11:14 AM
SQL hasn't changed. Database is still at while the site is at
08-01-2003, 11:25 AM
I just moved my vbulletin files from one URL to another. the database stil remains at the old URL. The rest of the baord seems to work fine. Webtemplates also seems to work fine when editing. However clicking the "Visit" linknext to a web template in teh admin CP I notice it goes to the old URL. Why is that? Can I change that somewhere? Or is it in the database?
Visit link uses the value of "$bburl" to locate the whereabouts of "view.php". And the value of $bburl is assigned by vbulletin according to your admin cp/options page setting.
So if that link is taking you to a wrong URL, it must be related to your wrong entry of your site url in admin cp options page.
08-01-2003, 11:28 AM
Thanks Logician
That was the problem. Didn't even think to change that. :)
Today at 09:09 PM glo said this in Post #128 (
However, i do have a very minor question! when i am in the edit section of the Webtemplates Header/Footer default_header_footer, the preview button does not seem to work? And on the bottom of the frame it says "Error on Page"
Seems to work fine when creating my own template?
I cant think of why? I have checked all the notes!
Any thoughts?
08-01-2003, 12:32 PM
Today at 03:37 PM glo said this in Post #134 (
Any thoughts?
This might fix it:
edit webtemplate.php, find:
Replace it as:
Replace it as:
(2 instances, replace both)
REplace it as:
Thanks Logician! thats the fix! was it just a bug that slipped thru?
Will your web templates allow flash to run inside of them?
08-02-2003, 09:06 AM
Today at 06:25 AM glo said this in Post #137 (
Will your web templates allow flash to run inside of them?
Webtemplates can do anything regular HTML pages can do so yes they allow flash too. Just create your flash snippet and add it to your webtemplate just like you are adding in a regular .html page.
For some reason, i cant log out now that i have created my first webtemplate. Have you had any reported bugs of this nature?
08-02-2003, 12:55 PM
what do you mean? You can log out in other forum pages but can not log out in webtemplate pages? Or cant log out in any pages? If later it is not related to the hack, your cookie is corrupted, clear it manually.
it very odd, i had no problems since installing the hack, but after i went to test the conditionals, i tried to log out, but i couldnt, so i was thinking "what has changed in the last 30minutes" I cant log out of the forums.
How can i manually clear the cookie? Ive tried changing the settings in Admin,but that didnt change things either.
Your probably right about the cookie being corrupted, but im not certain how to manually clear it.
08-02-2003, 01:05 PM
check in or with keywords "corrupt+cookie" or "cant log out" you'll see many posts to see how you handle it.
Have you had a chance to have a look at the post i left on the WebTemplates/WebQueries thread?
08-02-2003, 03:17 PM
hello im using this and its absolutly great
im using it together with your news script logician and it owns.
however i want the following thing
i made a webtemplate index and i wanna include other webtemplates in it , how do i do it? thanks
08-03-2003, 08:26 AM
Yesterday at 07:17 PM =DH=Demon said this in Post #144 (
hello im using this and its absolutly great
im using it together with your news script logician and it owns.
however i want the following thing
i made a webtemplate index and i wanna include other webtemplates in it , how do i do it? thanks
Please check the thread, I already gave the webquery that does it.
08-06-2003, 01:35 AM
i chekc everywhere and i only seem to find to list all templates but what i want is for example :
i created template : INFO
i created template : INDEX
now i want the content of INFO displayed in template INDEX by calling something like $INFO
is this possible? would be GREAT !
08-06-2003, 09:06 AM
Today at 05:35 AM =DH=Demon said this in Post #146 (
i chekc everywhere and i only seem to find to list all templates but what i want is for example :
i created template : INFO
i created template : INDEX
now i want the content of INFO displayed in template INDEX by calling something like $INFO
is this possible? would be GREAT !
Check "theme" part in help document.
08-08-2003, 08:53 PM
I wonder if the webtemplate hack includes the user authentication or not? So, if the user is not logged in in that webtemplate page, there would be a login box there or sign up link there. Is the webtemplate page has the feature of session, checking the user's username and password in database if it is correct? I would like the page to include login box if not logged in. I am trying to make a form processing page using this webtemplate hack. Is it possible to achieve with this hack?
08-08-2003, 09:32 PM
Today at 12:53 AM soccerclue said this in Post #148 (
I wonder if the webtemplate hack includes the user authentication or not? So, if the user is not logged in in that webtemplate page, there would be a login box there or sign up link there. Is the webtemplate page has the feature of session, checking the user's username and password in database if it is correct? I would like the page to include login box if not logged in. I am trying to make a form processing page using this webtemplate hack. Is it possible to achieve with this hack?
If you want only your login box to show (not the webtemplate itself), just add 1 in banned users field of your webtemplates and you will have exactly what you want.
If you want your login box to show inside webtemplate (so webtemplate itself is also displayed), use $WT_Login in your webtemplate content.
08-08-2003, 09:54 PM
Thanks a lot Logician for the quick reply. One more question here, if I want to create a php form processing page and copy the code to the webtemplate page, can it handle the user authentication already? So when the user hit the submission button, if the webtemplate page showing not logged in, it cannot proceed. But if logged in, the submission succeeds.
I got other question not related with the hack though. When I create form processing page using php, I would like to get the userid of the user who is processing the form based on the vbulletin username, what is the variable of it? Should I look into the SQL table of 'user' in vbulletin database? Is the webtemplate page already handles that?
08-09-2003, 08:31 AM
1- Yes. Just set the banned userid field in the TARGET webtemplate as 1
2- $bbuserinfo[userid]
08-11-2003, 09:52 PM
So is it correct if inserting the variable like this?
$cin = mysqlconnect ("localhost","$bbuserinfo[userid]","password");
What would be the password variable?
08-16-2003, 10:28 AM
When can I await a 3.0 version for this great hack, Logician?
08-28-2003, 09:52 PM
very nice hack - been playint with it all day
/me clicks install
i sort of get the drift on how it works but cant get it working vica-versa which i thought it would as it would make the queries dynamic.
The vistors count to this page i wanted to add to me index.php as a sort of counter but dont work does it.
Is there anyway i can make it work or am i going way overboard here or missed something?
Besides that it works well and yep if u have microstats just add $footer to end of your templates to get server load and web queries
08-29-2003, 09:13 AM
@lasto: Sorry did not understand your question?
08-29-2003, 10:25 AM
sorry Logician will try again :)
u know how your hack shows how many vistors have been on a page etc (sort of like a web counter) why cant i add that query to bottom of my forum homepage so it makes a counter there ?
08-29-2003, 10:39 AM
Today at 02:25 PM lasto said this in Post #157 (
sorry Logician will try again :)
u know how your hack shows how many vistors have been on a page etc (sort of like a web counter) why cant i add that query to bottom of my forum homepage so it makes a counter there ?
Because webqueries and other webtemplate related features work only in your webtemplates (ie when view.php is run), not in your regular vb pages.
For instance to display/run that counter in your webtemplates, you first run "view.php" which has the code for the counter but to display your forum home page, you run "index.php" so counter code does not run.
You need an independent hack for your request. I can suggest hack requests forum..
08-29-2003, 10:48 AM
nps and cheers for feedback
09-04-2003, 09:32 PM
Hi..can someone help me here? I have problem creating php page with this hack...please take a look at this page... I am not sure what's wrong. I tried creating php page. Hope someone can help me. Thank you.
09-04-2003, 09:43 PM
in a PHP parsed webtemplate do not temper with other webtemplate options such as conditionals, header, footer etc. Make sure your template's all other settings as same name sample webtemplate "phptest". (Especially header and footer regarding your error message) .
Also make sure your PHP syntax is correct.
09-05-2003, 10:33 AM
I can gurarantee that my php code is correct because it works fine before integrating with the hack. I still cannot find what's wrong. I use this hack to help me with the displaying of the header and footer and also I would like to have the login and logout box to appear in the non vb page. Do you mind if I PM you the PHP code?
09-05-2003, 02:21 PM
Today at 02:33 PM soccerclue said this in Post #162 (
I can gurarantee that my php code is correct because it works fine before integrating with the hack. I still cannot find what's wrong. I use this hack to help me with the displaying of the header and footer and also I would like to have the login and logout box to appear in the non vb page. Do you mind if I PM you the PHP code?
Try this:
Copy paste your PHP code in that template inside default "phptest" template. And make sure you do NOT change anything else in phptest template except "webtemplate" field.
If it works it means that you tempered with a setting that you shouldn't inside your webtemplate.
If it does not work, try to put your code inside default PHPINCLUDE template of vb. If a problem occurs, then it means vb did not like your code for a reason, then webtemplate will inherit this behavior either. If it works in the PHPINCLUDE template, then let me know your PHP code.
09-05-2003, 08:37 PM
OK...I have tried to put the PHP code in the phptest and it gave the same error.
I don't know exactly putting the code inside default PHPINCLUDE template of vb. Is it in AdminCP or in webtemplate file edit? I saw a PHP include input box in the webtemplate file edit though. I tried putting the code in that field in phptest and it gave the same error also. I don't have any idea how to fix it. Really hope you can help me. Thank you.
09-06-2003, 07:42 AM
let me know your PHP code
09-06-2003, 08:09 AM
Hi I have bit of a problem. I set up a page I would like for someone else to edit. I put their userid in the editors field (459) however I notice myself as Admin that when I click on [Edit this page] on taht page editors.php pops up blank. Why could this be?
09-06-2003, 08:28 AM
I would firstly suspect a template problem. Check if all templates created ok and in all template sets too..
09-06-2003, 05:32 PM
Everything looks fine and seems to be working fine. Just that is that working.
Just to clearify the problems seems to be with editors.php. Though nothing was changed with that file. Every other part of your system is working great and I'm very happy with it.
Does the editors.php file need a certain CHMOD value?
09-06-2003, 08:24 PM
Yesterday at 09:32 PM roxics said this in Post #168 (
Everything looks fine and seems to be working fine. Just that is that working.
Just to clearify the problems seems to be with editors.php. Though nothing was changed with that file. Every other part of your system is working great and I'm very happy with it.
Does the editors.php file need a certain CHMOD value?
Have you checked templates as I suggested?
There are very few sections that uses the templates you created in the installations so if there is a problem with your template installation, the hack will still work fine but you'll get blank pages in a few sections one of which is webtemplate editing.
So make sure:
1- Installation templates are created correctly
2- Their names are correct (it is CASE-SENSITIVE) and there is no trailing space etc. at the end.
3- If you have more than 1 template sets, templates are created in ALL sets.
09-07-2003, 02:47 AM
I see what you are saying. The templates for the style. They were all blank. Somehow I missed filling those in. Everythign is fixed now and working great.
Thanks for your help. :)
09-25-2003, 07:23 PM
Logician I'm curious. Is there any way to pull a specific thread to a webtemplate page? Rather then just copying and pasting the information is there anyway for it to still be dynamic?
So you can have an article on a page laid out the way you wish and have responses to that artical below.
09-27-2003, 07:07 PM
Logician I'm curious. Is there any way to pull a specific thread to a webtemplate page? Rather then just copying and pasting the information is there anyway for it to still be dynamic?
So you can have an article on a page laid out the way you wish and have responses to that artical below.
The structure won't be flexible so don't expect something fancy but here is a draft webquery: (Remember to replace X with threadid)
10-07-2003, 11:42 AM
Lmfaooo. I installed and i was like OMG its gorgeous :p better than like errrm the portals and ++++. Then i realised i hadnt imported the templates yet, and now it looks even sweeter :p Thank yaaaaaaa
10-07-2003, 11:43 AM
Oh yeah, now get to work on that ultimate hack ;)
10-07-2003, 01:29 PM
Oh yeah, now get to work on that ultimate hack ;)
I thought you have already found it ;)
10-07-2003, 01:35 PM
LOL yeah yeah yeah smart ass i admit it met most of the requirements ;) Tis nice ill give u that, how i envy ur brains :p I envy em so muchhhh ima ask u 2 peep dis lol
Mr. HillBilly
10-28-2003, 11:01 PM
When viewing online users they always show up using this:
Unknown Location: /forum/view.php?bannerid=&
10-29-2003, 06:32 AM
When viewing online users they always show up using this:
Unknown Location: /forum/view.php?bannerid=&
I guess bannerid parameter (whatever it is) is bothering the display. If you need it maybe you can put it at the end like view.php?pg=yourpage&bannerid=...
Gio Takahashi
10-30-2003, 09:12 PM
Just installed this hacks, it is working very nice so far. (
11-02-2003, 11:29 PM
Hi, great hack. Just a quick question: How would I set it up so that guests/unregistered users can see it as well?
Gio Takahashi
11-03-2003, 04:47 AM
Guest and Unregistered user should already be able to see it without a problem.
11-03-2003, 09:05 AM
Hi, great hack. Just a quick question: How would I set it up so that guests/unregistered users can see it as well?
Unless you enter the guest usergroup's usergroup id (which is 1) in the "BANNED IDs" field of a webtemplate, they can see it. You decide which usergroups or users can see which page by assigning values in this field for each webtemplate
Gio Takahashi
11-04-2003, 03:41 PM
Hmm it would be nice to add an additional separate shoutbox on the templates, how might I do that?
11-20-2003, 08:49 PM
Will it work for 2.3.3 ?
Gio Takahashi
11-21-2003, 02:56 AM
Give it a try, I had that hack on my vB before I upgraded. It worked for me and Iwas using vB 2.3.2. It shouldn't be different for vB 2.3.3 There are extremely little file modifications and the installation was extremely easy for me. I only hope Logitech makes a webtemplate for vB3 or I will have to do the templates the hard way..
11-21-2003, 08:19 AM
Will it work for 2.3.3 ?
it will.
11-21-2003, 06:31 PM
I'm having a hard time on the mySQL scripts for this hack. It seems that through phpMyAdmin it wont accept the entire script at once. I've had to enter the scripts broken up into the 'Run SQL query' text box.
All was going well until I got to the last Insert. The INSERT INTO `wt2_queries` line seems to be too long of a insert and simply results in an error. Is there a way to break this up into two entries? Or, where would one look to be able to increase the setting allowing for a larger entry?
Thanks Logician!
11-21-2003, 07:08 PM
Scratch that... I figured it out. Nice hack!
Frozen Dreams
12-20-2003, 12:06 PM
Seems it's my lucky day today.
I been searching for something EXACTLY like this forever!
Installed, already in use and loving it :D
But one little question. Any chance that this will work with different schemes that use different template sets/headers? Instead of only the default header? My headers and their images are quite different for the sets. I dont want to hardcode the header to overwrite the styles in use.
I hope I made sense. And sorry if this has been answered somewhere and I didnt see it.
12-20-2003, 05:52 PM
But one little question. Any chance that this will work with different schemes that use different template sets/headers? Instead of only the default header? My headers and their images are quite different for the sets. I dont want to hardcode the header to overwrite the styles in use.
I hope I made sense. And sorry if this has been answered somewhere and I didnt see it.
If your styles are user selectable and some users selected it, then they will view your webtemplates in the style they chose.
But if you assigned different mandatory styles to different forums, webtemplates will not inherit all of these styles. It will only inherit your forum's default style (ie which is displayed in forum home page for a guest).
Rein Masamuri
12-26-2003, 07:59 AM
Wow... just... Wow
This is excelent.
When vB3 comes out this will be, bar none, one of the best hacks for it!
01-07-2004, 07:16 PM
Hi Logician,
sound like a pretty cool hack. vb3 RC2 is out now and I want to know if you will bring this hack out for vb3 and letter and if yes when? :D
Thanks in advance
01-07-2004, 09:38 PM
Sorry there is no ETA for porting of my VB2 hacks because there is no ETA for my migrating to VB3. :) I plan to stick with VB2 for a while until I decide that a VB3 version is stable enough and my plan is to work on VB3 hacks afterwards. I have no idea when this will happen. All I can say is that I'll port all my hacks when it does. :)
01-23-2004, 04:57 PM
How do I make this work where members and non-members can see my pages?
I DID NOT add the guest or unregistered id into the banned box...
I just installed this and was testing it out and i wanted to see how unregistered people see the template and it wont let me view it if I am not logged in...
01-23-2004, 05:22 PM
How do I make this work where members and non-members can see my pages?
I DID NOT add the guest or unregistered id into the banned box...
I just installed this and was testing it out and i wanted to see how unregistered people see the template and it wont let me view it if I am not logged in...
so that a webtemplate will be visible to all:
1- clear "Banned IDs" field
2- Do NOT make it private
3- Do NOT make it draft
Then all will see it including guests.
01-23-2004, 09:21 PM
Wow.. Logican. I dont know what i did wrong but it works now... I guess I just had one of those fields on yes...
Thanks a bunch it works great.
I would like to ask for help with one thing though. Is could you please give me a tip on how I could add a template into the headder/footer of the webtemplates?
I have a menu and some other things that I have displaying on all the other pages. It was pretty easy to do this with your old template but not so with the new one. If you could just give me a hand it would be greatly parriciated...
Thanks in advance...
01-24-2004, 08:09 AM
I would like to ask for help with one thing though. Is could you please give me a tip on how I could add a template into the headder/footer of the webtemplates?
Included VB Templates
If you want to include regular vb templates into your webtemplate enter their names here (seperated by space). You can then use them in your webtemplate as $WTT_templatename. If you have more than 1 template sets, make sure included templates exist in all. Note: every template you added here will add 1 query to your webtemplate when loaded.
01-25-2004, 03:51 PM
...I added that to the header template and its not working. Am I adding these things to the wrong place?
Where does the template name go? Do I put it in view.php?
Then I put $WTT_templatename into the header or footer, right?
Sorry, I am just a little confused w/ all this...
01-25-2004, 04:16 PM
Included vb templates do not work on headers. You have to add inside regular templates. So you'll add $WTT_templatename (of course rename "templatename" section in this variable!) inside your webtemplate that you want to inherit.
Or create a webtemplate header template and copy/paste your templates content into this one and then you can use this webtemplate header in your other webtemplates
01-31-2004, 12:03 AM
Logician: very nice job! I have it installed and it's working great. I have a question for you. I have a forum already for anyone to look & post at (well almost) and I am using your template program for a totally different look and HTML pages, this section will be for paid membership people only.
I need to know how to tie the new pages into the regular forum? Do I just set up a parent forum and list all the links? I know I could do that, but there must be another way.....I just don't know what to call what I want on a search.
02-04-2004, 05:55 AM
I need to know how to tie the new pages into the regular forum? Do I just set up a parent forum and list all the links? I know I could do that, but there must be another way.....I just don't know what to call what I want on a search.
I'm not sure what you mean by tie the webtemplates into the forum?
02-10-2004, 01:05 PM
Included vb templates do not work on headers. You have to add inside regular templates. So you'll add $WTT_templatename (of course rename "templatename" section in this variable!) inside your webtemplate that you want to inherit.
Or create a webtemplate header template and copy/paste your templates content into this one and then you can use this webtemplate header in your other webtemplates
I was rather confused by how you explained that.. Ok so I cant use VBTemplates in the header.. ok.
In the old version I created a VB Template called top and bottom, and put my layout and everything in there.
Is that how it should be done now? Or is there a better way??
I tried making a vbTemplate with all the values and adding that to the WebTemplate but nothing showed up... I would really appriciate some more help...
02-10-2004, 06:47 PM
I was rather confused by how you explained that.. Ok so I cant use VBTemplates in the header.. ok.
In the old version I created a VB Template called top and bottom, and put my layout and everything in there.
Is that how it should be done now? Or is there a better way??
I tried making a vbTemplate with all the values and adding that to the WebTemplate but nothing showed up... I would really appriciate some more help...
You have 2 options:
1- You can create header/footer Webtemplates. (or modify existing default ones). Then you can add your content there and you can use these header/footer webtemplates in other webtemplates.
2- You can create a regular vb template as you did. Then add its name in the "included vb template" part in your webtemplate edit page. Then add "$WTT_templatename" in your webtemplate and this template will show up in the location you put "$WTT_templatename". In this method, if you have more than 1 template sets, create your template in all template sets.
02-24-2004, 08:30 AM
The structure won't be flexible so don't expect something fancy but here is a draft webquery: (Remember to replace X with threadid)
I've been playing around with this webquery and it's great. Here is an example:
But when you said it won't be flexible what exactly do you mean? The reason I'm asking is because I'm curious if it can do more.
Is there a way to get it to pull only the second post and beyond from a particular thread? Along with a "post reply" link (image and all) to that thread?
Second query
Is there a way to pull only the first post from a given thread? With username, avatar, edit link, homepage link, profile link. Pretty much everything from the postbit.
The reason is because I'm looking for an easy way for members to contribute articles. Most don't know HTML and send me word documents I have to format into simple HTML. It's a pain. They are used to using the board. Plus that way there is a copy of the article on the board.
If there is anyway to make these two queries work togther that would be even better.
02-25-2004, 10:37 AM
Hi Logocian,
i used the first version too .. and it wored fine.. but now i changed to this version.. witrh a news install of my board.. and have this error when i visit our TEST template :(
can you help me?
02-25-2004, 05:59 PM
Can someone help me with this. I'm trying to get the next 10 events for the next ten days on the calendar to show on this page. But I'm pretty clueless as to what I'm doing.
Here is the page:
Here is my query
FROM calendar_events
WHERE public = 1 AND eventdate >= +10()
ORDER BY eventdate LIMIT 10
Here is my query result row
<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' width='100%'>
<tr><td bgcolor='#000000' width='100%' height="0" >
<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='3'>
<td bgcolor='#cecfce' width='100%'>
<div align="left">
<font style="FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, MS Sans Serif;FONT-SIZE: 10pt;"><b>Event</b> $WQfield[subject]<br>
<font style="FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, MS Sans Serif;FONT-SIZE: 10pt;"><b>From
:</b> <a href="$bburl/member.php?s=&action=getinfo&userid=$WQfield[postuserid]">$WQfield[username]</a></div>
<div align="right"><font style="FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, MS Sans Serif;FONT-SIZE: 8pt;"><b>Date:</b> $WQfield[eventdate]</div></td>
<td bgcolor='#F1F1F1' width='100%' height="5" align='left'>
<font style="FONT-FAMILY: Verdana, MS Sans Serif;FONT-SIZE: 10pt;">
$WQfield[event]</font> </td>
On top of that I can't seem to get the username to show up. Or manage to get it so the event information is formatted properly.
02-25-2004, 06:42 PM
Hi Logocian,
i used the first version too .. and it wored fine.. but now i changed to this version.. witrh a news install of my board.. and have this error when i visit our TEST template :(
can you help me?
Your PHP version is old. Either upgrade it or change all instances of "array_key_exists" in the script as "key_exists"
02-25-2004, 06:46 PM
Can someone help me with this. I'm trying to get the next 10 events for the next ten days on the calendar to show on this page.
This wont work.. calendar dates in vb2 is not saved in a nice format to get via a webquery for future dates.
02-25-2004, 07:54 PM
found the error :D
everybdy who has PHP 4.0.6 has to find in view.php following code:
replace with (think more than 18 times)
->with this please-> key_exists
02-25-2004, 07:55 PM
ahh okai.. you helped me out already while i searched the error .. lol .. anyway muchas grazias :D
02-26-2004, 04:38 AM
Hello Logician,
its me again and i read all posts in this thread.. before i figure out my quastion i have :D
If you have one minute to overview this .. i would be very happy ..
What i want to get done
You see this test Template i did .. it was work of 10 seconds :D
-> <-
i have in my forums .. espically these forums i showed up in this test template an news based posting style.. this means only news writer are allowed to start threads there, with uploading an image .. this News shows up like here .. see i show the attachment file as simple link to attachment.php in IMG tags and the img is showing beside the topic title..
the same i want to get shown in a (for example) News WebTemplate .. this means not only the topic title should show up like here ( i also want to show up the attachment file (i only show up images) .. the thumbnailing is not my problem..the query itself is a problem to get the topic titel inclidiung the attachment image to show up..
Can you follow me?
My english is not always understandable :D .. sorry for that but you webtemplates are a better, faster and easier way to make a new News Based Website based on the forum .. with many oiptions i cozuld integrate .. your CMs is very mighty and i love it ..
i would marry you if you would be a nice looking girl *lol*
02-27-2004, 05:23 AM
Hi Logician,
You just heard this maybe thousand times .. but i want you to know that this thing is the right thing i am searching for over one year for my web study :D .. i managed a whole bunch of finishing projects with this hack :D
i cant believe that everything is just getting exactly as i want :D
and i cant wait to get from work to work on this new spieleplanet project :D
..okai .. that should be enough for you wounded fingers .. how many keybords did you crashed until you finished this hack ..hehe :D
Project Example (still not Finished)
Question (planned features)
- how to migrate the search field? Can you give me an tip?
- How to migrate attachemnts from (for exapmple) listed threads you see on the example page link?
If you find time for this (just for me important) things .. it would be nice.. otherwise i am testing also till i find it out..
vBulletin 3 support
Just leave it alone *smile* i dont need it also and your hacks make an vb2.* more eficient than the naked vb3.*
One day maybe i have to start with the upgrade.. but everything is working better than fine .. and you know "never touch a running system"
Greetings from germany (Frankfurt)
02-28-2004, 12:48 PM
I have some questions for modifying that great hack.
1. I know it is not supportet, but what have I to modify to use view.php in an other directory? (instead of I would like to see it in
2. How can I get templates generated by the vbhome lite hack working in the THEMES (Parent WebTemplates)? I would like to include:
- home_loggedinusers
- home_newposts
- home_userloggedin
- home_userloggedout
- home_threadbit
- home_welcomeguest
- home_welcomeuser
3. How can I use WebQuery to show all (or latest 5) headlines of all Webtemplates created for a category? How can I show all headlines of all categories? The Headlines should be links to the full Artikle (Webtemplate page).
thank you a lot
03-02-2004, 02:44 AM
log, you got any movement on making this work with vb3 yet?
03-02-2004, 10:04 AM
Hello friends,
I got my 1. question solved on my own: just copied the view.php into my root directory and changed every path ./admin/.... into forum/admin/....
Can anyone help me with 2 and 3?
03-04-2004, 05:21 AM
Hi there
have an problem creating a webtemplate including informations like this:
First i have this QUERY to find out the Threadid wich i can use in TABLE "Post" toi get the "postid" to get in the end the "attachmend_id" i can use to show up images :D
$newsquery=$DB_site->query("SELECT threadid,title,replycount,postusername,postuserid, iconid,dateline FROM thread WHERE forumid='$newsforum' ORDER BY dateline DESC LIMIT $newsposts");
while ($news=$DB_site->fetch_array($newsquery)) {
So now i get the postid to search for to create an image with when one is attachend to a post (ex: attachment.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&postid=$postid)
$getnews=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT postid,pagetext,iconid FROM post WHERE threadid='$newsthreadid' ORDER BY postid ASC LIMIT 1");
this are two queries to get an image out of a post a user makes :D
but how it seems with the webtemplates i can do only one query.. i dont know how to migrate this code into the qebqueries ?
please help me someone out with this.. i tried now for several days and did not manage this .. anyway i just need to show it up..
an working example with a *.php page i did here: <- on the left site you see this code working.. and this option i just need to migrate into i can turn off this news page and use webtemplates 100% for everything ..
Example of an early Alpha Layout of exisitng Webtemplates:
03-21-2004, 04:54 PM
I'm in major need of this hack to work with VB3 or i'm screwed. Is there a quick and dirty way to get it to play ball? I don't need the fancy features just plain html pages.
I have a over 200 hundred pages on WebTemplates I cannot afford to loose. VB3 is very stable, considering the extensive beta.
03-21-2004, 05:21 PM
No promises but I am hoping to work on its VB3 version this month. I'm sorry to not to give you an alternative solution but your only way to save your 200 webtemplates would be using the VB3 version of this hack.
03-21-2004, 05:37 PM
Logician, can you help me with the webquery and template questions:
1. How can I get templates generated by the vbhome lite hack working in the THEMES (Parent WebTemplates)? I would like to include:
- home_loggedinusers
- home_newposts
- home_userloggedin
- home_userloggedout
- home_threadbit
- home_welcomeguest
- home_welcomeuser
2. How can I use WebQuery to show all (or latest 5) headlines of all Webtemplates created for a category? How can I show all headlines of all categories? The Headlines should be links to the full Artikle (Webtemplate page).
No promises but I am hoping to work on its VB3 version this month. I'm sorry to not to give you an alternative solution but your only way to save your 200 webtemplates would be using the VB3 version of this hack.
03-21-2004, 05:45 PM
No promises but I am hoping to work on its VB3 version this month. I'm sorry to not to give you an alternative solution but your only way to save your 200 webtemplates would be using the VB3 version of this hack.
I thought as it requires no editing of VB files it would be somethign quick and easy to get it going.
03-21-2004, 06:50 PM
No promises but I am hoping to work on its VB3 version this month. I'm sorry to not to give you an alternative solution but your only way to save your 200 webtemplates would be using the VB3 version of this hack.
Excellent. :) Thanks for the update!
03-22-2004, 06:28 PM
1. How can I get templates generated by the vbhome lite hack working in the THEMES (Parent WebTemplates)? I would like to include:
Sorry I have no experience with vbhome.
2. How can I use WebQuery to show all (or latest 5) headlines of all Webtemplates created for a category? How can I show all headlines of all categories? The Headlines should be links to the full Artikle (Webtemplate page).
This you can play with:
I thought as it requires no editing of VB files it would be somethign quick and easy to get it going.
Right no editing of vb files but the hack script itself is sophisticated. ;)
Also it occured to me that you may still have some bad time with your 200 webtemplates if they are HTML webtemplates that uses vb2 tags/replacements. Because as you know such webtemplates uses standarts of vb2 templates (like {pagebgcolor} tag) and they are obselete in vb3 so they need to be replaced with vb3 tags.
03-23-2004, 01:22 PM
Sorry I have no experience with vbhome.
This you can play with:
Right no editing of vb files but the hack script itself is sophisticated. ;)
Also it occured to me that you may still have some bad time with your 200 webtemplates if they are HTML webtemplates that uses vb2 tags/replacements. Because as you know such webtemplates uses standarts of vb2 templates (like {pagebgcolor} tag) and they are obselete in vb3 so they need to be replaced with vb3 tags.
No, my pages are standard HTML. To VB2 specific coding at all.
03-25-2004, 07:38 PM
To the great Logician :D
[BEG Mode]
Do you have a rough idea on once you start work how long it will take to create the VB3 version?
[/BEG Mode]
03-25-2004, 08:44 PM
I would prefer not to give an ETA at this time so that I wouldn't hold responsible if I delay
03-28-2004, 05:39 AM
Hi logician .. i tried it out and i will port all planned functions to webtemplates now :d
here is an example page :D
everything seems to work fine .. but only 2 little not very important things a did not figure out :D
1. in the old webtemplates..there had been a webquery to show last 10 posts/theads of userX (userX means evry user see his own last posts/threads) like a personal control center ..
2. i need to query out 2 tables .. to make attachments visible as picture/link if i call out the query "show last Threads FROM forumid=2" .. so i would be able not to ashow only thread titels..of course its nice..but i just would like to show also the attachment made in the first post.. of our news forums
Thread 2345 has an attached image in Foruimd=23 -> it is possible to show up the attachment with a LEFT join in the query?
please help me out.. i read now 2 weeks evry hint in my sql books..but did not figure it our..maybe it isnt possible.. but if its possible i would like to implement the feature :D
greetings from germany
03-28-2004, 12:41 PM
1- attached.
2- not possible
03-28-2004, 01:10 PM
Hi logician.. I pm?d u.. but I think I better ask here....
well.. I installed webtemplates just for one reason... I want pass-protected pages on my site. I?ve managed to have the login box on the page but when they log in they are re-directed to a re-directing page (lol) and then lead to the forum index. Is there anyway of having them redirected to the page index?? and after that is managed (if can be managed) how do I create pass-protected pages?
here?s my test page:
thnx for ur time :)
03-28-2004, 01:22 PM
Hi logician.. I pm?d u.. but I think I better ask here....
well.. I installed webtemplates just for one reason... I want pass-protected pages on my site. I?ve managed to have the login box on the page but when they log in they are re-directed to a re-directing page (lol) and then lead to the forum index. Is there anyway of having them redirected to the page index?? and after that is managed (if can be managed) how do I create pass-protected pages?
here?s my test page:
thnx for ur time :)
Your page is down and I couldn't understand the question either. Please clarify.
03-28-2004, 01:27 PM
it´s not down Oo.... I´m there right no Oo...
well... what I want is to create a section on my website, lets say... emulation, and have it pass protected so guests can´t see it. In order to acces the page the visitors must register to the forum and then they will be able to acces the emulation page. In addition to this, I want to have the login form on a part of my menu to save time... I created the test page with the login box template, but when they log-in they are redirected to the forum index and I want em to be redirected to the test page.....
I´ve seen some scripts that allow you to have a website database but I guess what I want to have is a Website and forum database all in one... so ppl don´t have to register twice.
hope I clarify it... my english is not too good XD....
again, thnx for ur time
03-28-2004, 01:40 PM
I fail to see how this page is related to webtemplates hack. It looks like a page of "Logician News" hack. If you use a login box in a "webtemplate" (not logician news hack!), it is suppose to take you to that webtemplate after you login successfully.
03-28-2004, 01:43 PM
lol, yeah, it?s the logicians news hack, as it?s my test page, I use it for everything I want before adding to my website. Your news hack works great!! thnx for that one by the way!
if you see below the news, you?ll see the login box, that?s a webtemplate :).... and if you login it redirects to the forum and no to the test pagee, that?s what I don?t wnt :o... I dunno if it?s possible or no... :o
03-28-2004, 04:39 PM
lol, yeah, it?s the logicians news hack, as it?s my test page, I use it for everything I want before adding to my website. Your news hack works great!! thnx for that one by the way!
if you see below the news, you?ll see the login box, that?s a webtemplate :).... and if you login it redirects to the forum and no to the test pagee, that?s what I don?t wnt :o... I dunno if it?s possible or no... :o
Your login form lacks a hidden parameter such as this:
<input type="hidden" name="url" value="http://your url to jump after login">
03-29-2004, 12:03 AM
I guess I´m starting to get it.. thnx a lot for ur patiente and time logician!!! and thnx for creating such great hacks!!
03-30-2004, 06:35 AM
thx logician :D
wanna see what i maged till now with webtemplates? its still alpha study *smile* will finish about two weeks .. got not plenty of time to spend with coding all to my needs ...
ahh got a question.. ok tow queries.. wont qwork .. i see .. but how about a long querie wich crosses thread and attachment table ?
you just have integrated one in the standart installations of webtemplates.. ..something with LEFT JOIN and on this way you get tables and collumns from two tables .. is there really no way about?
something like that:
SELECT * FROM threads ..... LEFT JOIN attachment WHERE id= is this a way out?
03-30-2004, 08:15 AM
is there really no way about?
something like that:
SELECT * FROM threads ..... LEFT JOIN attachment WHERE id= is this a way out?
You can not do that because attachments are not attached to the threads they are attached to the posts.
So the actual query should be
SELECT post.*, attachment.* FROM post LEFT JOIN attachment ON attachment.attachmentid=post.attachmentid where ...
but this does not even help you altough it successfully returns relevant attachments per post.
It does not work, because after you get the attachment info with this query you need some PHP code to do to display the attachment correctly. They are permissions code, extensions code etc.
Edit functions.php and check the code after this line and you'll understand me better:
if ($post[attachmentid]!=0 and $post[attachmentvisible]) {
Bottom line you can not do it.
03-31-2004, 04:11 AM
i am very sad :( .. so sad.. i will finish my live now .. cant live anymore with this malfunctions :D ..
okay.. so i looked and understand it now even a little bit better .. yes you are right the attachment table is crossing trough posts and threads table to get the right attachmend_id :( ..
hey but wait maybe there is an trick :D
When i selsect Threads from forum 304 .. i can arrange a selection from attachment table right beside to get the attachments from forum 304 ?
and i have a new question about the query i insert in the webquery list :D
when i insert this query:
SELECT * FROM threads WHERE forumid=304 .. <- i am able to get the results from this forum :D . okai thats very fine and also very nice working :D
but what about showing up threads from more than one forum ?
SELECT * FROM threads WHERE forumid=304,305,306 ORDER ..blabla..
i get now an error and no results.. anyway it dont matter.. its only one query..
Bug Report
$nowbrowsing -> is not showing up alwys..sometimes no session is showing up .. dont know why.. but i could figure out..that sometimes no session is started.. .. i am recognized with username end everything what belongs to this username.. but brwowsing around somtimes looses the session informations and nowbrowing is not function anymore .. have an idea?
How about this page:$session[sessionhash]&pg=alpha_news_v0_2
it is okai for you to give you there some credits? And where do you want placed a 88x31 button or simple text link?
You did the biggest job on creating these sites.. so the credits belongs to you :D
03-31-2004, 05:55 AM
$nowbrowsing -> is not showing up alwys..sometimes no session is showing up .. dont know why.. but i could figure out..that sometimes no session is started.. .. i am recognized with username end everything what belongs to this username.. but brwowsing around somtimes looses the session informations and nowbrowing is not function anymore .. have an idea?
yeah I know about that. Actually it shows you but when you refresh. I'll correct it in the next version.
it is okai for you to give you there some credits? And where do you want placed a 88x31 button or simple text link?
thx. no need for a button but if you like you can keep "powered by Logician Webtemplates v.x" text at the bottom.
03-31-2004, 08:04 AM
One Question: When will the system work for vBulletin 3??
04-02-2004, 03:11 AM
the next version will be then for vb3?
*crying* .. i do not plan converting this year :D ..cause i build up so much with this versionb... i dont have the time to convert everything.. so i will try to use that for my need and newsfeeds :D
greetings..and much thanx for helping out in this thread...
04-04-2004, 07:28 PM
coude any one post a zip of the portal please bicous th one that is in post ome of this tread hase a error.
04-05-2004, 07:41 AM
coude any one post a zip of the portal please bicous th one that is in post ome of this tread hase a error.
The zip file is fine. I guess it is a problem in your end.
04-05-2004, 09:30 AM
no bicous i ask same of my friends if thee can open it but thee cant to thee get a erro to.
04-05-2004, 05:48 PM
I can DL and open it successfully. Besides it is there for months and many people has installed it with no such complaint. Can this be because of your ZIP program? AFAIK there has been some recent standart changes in the ZIP format.
04-05-2004, 06:16 PM
i use winrar but i just installed winzip 8.1 and now i can unzip it.
04-07-2004, 05:03 PM
Any word on a Vb3 ve
<-- Bangs head on desk to not checking for a Vb3 version of this hack first :D
04-07-2004, 05:42 PM
The ppl that amde it are gona make a vb3 one. zo wait. :d
06-04-2004, 03:51 PM
i installed this wonderfull hack, but i'm not sure if i can do this with it or not :
i want to make an order FORM that my members will fill it, then when they submit the form it will open a new thread with the form fileds in a private forum , so that moderators can only view this orders and proccess it.
how can i do this .. i belive that i should use PHP parsing , but since i don'l have much experince in both WT2 and PHP , it's somewhat hard for me to get this idea in action.
can any body help plz ?
thank you.
06-04-2004, 06:01 PM
i installed this wonderfull hack, but i'm not sure if i can do this with it or not :
i want to make an order FORM that my members will fill it, then when they submit the form it will open a new thread with the form fileds in a private forum , so that moderators can only view this orders and proccess it.
how can i do this .. i belive that i should use PHP parsing , but since i don'l have much experince in both WT2 and PHP , it's somewhat hard for me to get this idea in action.
can any body help plz ?
thank you.
Webtemplates can not exactly do what you want but you may like to check this thread:
The Piper
12-30-2004, 03:58 PM
Hi! Any updates on the vb3 version, BTW? It's the only thing holding me back from upgrading vb2 to 3, right now. Thanks! :-)
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