View Full Version : [img] alt tags

Ninth Dimension
06-29-2003, 11:54 PM
Would someone be able to build in the ability for the BB code to use the alt tag? i.e.

[img=What a wonderful day]http://http://www.vbulletin.org/dayout.jpg

I know this is more than just a simple BB code edit as the [img] tag gets handled elsewhere, i just don't know where, or how to change it to support the alt tag.

thanking ye kind in advance sir or maid who cometh to my rescue

(ignore the middle ages talk, i've been playing a lot of RPG's :))

06-30-2003, 12:16 AM
You might be able to add it anyway given that there's no [img] tag built in that uses the {param}/{option} (can never remember) attribute. Have you tried?

Ninth Dimension
06-30-2003, 12:23 AM
I've not yet tried that, but i'd prefer not to, if I'm correct then vB has purposly hard coded the image tag to prevent miss use (i.e. stop dynamic images, etc..) and i'd rather not get in the way of that.

another thing i can try is making a second tag, maybe called [imgalt] and use the {param}/{option} feature, but i'd prefer to use a hard coded soloution should one be found. It is a feature that I would encourage my users to use, and would not want anyone misusing it.