View Full Version : Certain Post Count to create Polls

06-24-2003, 04:12 PM
Is there a hack to do this because poll making has went hay wire at my forum and we wanna limit it somehow.

06-25-2003, 05:09 AM
I haven't tested this, but it should work:

Run the following query:

INSERT INTO setting (settingid,settinggroupid,title,varname,value,desc ription,optioncode,displayorder) VALUES (NULL,25,'Minimum posts to make a poll?','minpostpoll','0','Minimum number of posts that a user is required before they can post polls. Set this to 0 to disable it.','','3');

In newthread.php find:

if ($permissions['canpostpoll']) {
eval("\$postpolloption = \"".gettemplate("newthread_postpoll")."\";");
} else {
$postpolloption = '';

Replace with:

if ($bbuserinfo[posts] < $minpostpoll){
eval("\$postpolloption = \"".gettemplate("notenuffpost_poll")."\";");
} else if ($permissions['canpostpoll']) {
eval("\$postpolloption = \"".gettemplate("newthread_postpoll")."\";");
} else {
$postpolloption = '';

Creat a new template named "notenuffpost_poll" and add the html below:

<td bgcolor="#1C5780" valign="top"><normalfont><b>Post a poll:</b></normalfont><br>
<td bgcolor="#1C5780" valign="top"><smallfont>Only users with at least $minpostpoll posts may post polls.</smallfont></td>

Note: you will need to change the td background color in the html above from #1C5780 to { firstaltcolor } (without the spaces).

Once you've installed the hack just go to your admin control panel, click vbulletin options, then click "Polls" and set the minimum number of posts to whatever you want. Thats it.