View Full Version : If it's not the script, then what else?

06-12-2003, 02:59 PM
Hello to all,

This is in reference to Lesane's Store hack.

I've been having problems with this hack, as it worked for a couple of days, and then all of a sudden it stopped working and simply said "Unable to complete query." But, found out that it may not be.

Let me explain, I have two vBulletins (and two licenses) on two different servers. The server that is having the problem was running on PHP 4.1.1 and MySQL 3. So, I thought that was the problem, as when I made a copy that database and vB files over to a different server that has PHP 4.3.2 and MySQL 4, it worked perfectly. So, I upgraded the server having problems up to the latest PHP and MySQL versions... but the script still does not work.

So, my question is, what would cause this problem?

Thanks for your time...

Andrew Tatum

Side Note: This is happening on vBulletin 2.2.8