View Full Version : for the users of the poll hack [poll question not aligned]

12-09-2000, 07:09 PM
If when viewing the poll, and the poll question is not aligned with the rest of the poll:

in the pollview template, look for:
<INPUT TYPE=hidden name=pollid VALUE=$pollid><INPUT TYPE=hidden name=threadid VALUE=$threadid>
<TD COLSPAN="" BGCOLOR="{tableheadbgcolor}" ALIGN="CENTER"><largefont color="{tableheadtextcolor}" class=thtcolor><B>$question</B></largefont></TD>

change the COLSPAN="" into COLSPAN="$colwidth"

in the install script, somehow the variable was not escaped.

12-10-2000, 10:00 AM
Thanks for the fix!

I noticed there maybe another fix needed:


After "Total:" shouldn't it say: "6" in place of blank for the total of votes on that poll?

12-11-2000, 05:00 PM
look for the polltotal template, should have a $total there, i guess something happened. damn.

12-11-2000, 05:13 PM
by the way.. where can I find it?
the creator took out the link

12-11-2000, 06:36 PM
get it at: vbulletin.org