View Full Version : Avatars wont update

Steve W.
06-08-2003, 06:21 PM
Hi guys and gals,

I've spent about 12 hours constantly today trying to get this working, and have typed out the problem numerous times, but I'll go again.

Anyways, I installed the avatar categories hack about 3 weeks ago, and all was fine and well. I had little 64x64 gifs spanning over 5 categories and it worked fine. Now however, I decided i'd prefer 95x95 avatars for easier viewing, and jpgs for smaller file size. Now here comes the problem: I wake up this morning to find after emptying the old categories and uploaded the new avatars that noone can select the new avatars... they hit submit in avatar select, and it doesn't update their user profile with the new avatar. No errors or messages come up, it just doesn't psysically change the users avatar.

I've gone thru the instructions again, checked my db, and generally sent myself mad trying to get this working, and so have had to resort to asking the most experienced hackers here what on earth is wrong with my forums. It doesn't seem like its the hack causing the problem since it was working fine. I've also tried uploading the old gifs and it still wont update, thus seemingly a users table problem?

I ran repair.php and nothing was wrong. I can't get support from vB.com cause it's hacked and I'm almost losing my marbles. If anyone has a suggestion I'll be forever in your debt!!!

The forums are at http://rockpop.goldenpie.com for those who wish to have a look at them. I will be eternally grateful if you can solve the problem.

Thanks again!